
ysl mombasa bag fake

I recently bought this beautiful YSL Momaba Bag and I was so excited! Little did I know, what I thought was the real deal, was actually a fake. After I posted it up on my social media, I immediately got messages from my friends telling me that it was a fake. I was so embarrassed, I felt like I was duped.

I tried to do some digging so I found out that YSL does not actually sell these bags online, the only way to get your hands on them is to go to their stores. So if you come across any online retailers selling these replica bags, it’s a sure sign of a fake.

It was such a letdown. I was so sure that I had scored myself a designer bag, all for the low price of what I thought was a good deal. Heck, it even came with the dust bag and box, the exact same ones I’ve seen in the stores. But looks can be deceiving, I guess.

My next question was, “how can I tell the difference between the fake and the real one?” After doing some research, I found out there are some official signs to look out for.

The first sign is the size of the bag: YSL makes them all slightly different sizes, so if what I have is exactly the same size as another one out there, it’s definitely a fake. Secondly, the texture of the bag is another giveaway. The real YSL replica bags are made with high quality leather that is soft and supple to the touch. And lastly, the hardware of the YSL bag must be authentic. Inside the YSL logo should be embossed and not printed.

These are all warning signs I should have looked out for, before buying my fake YSL bag. Now all I can do is put it back up on the shipping website and try to get a refund.

It’s important to be aware of fake designer bags and accessories and to look out for the signs when buying them online. It’s best to only buy these products from designated retailers or from the company’s official website.

Sometimes it seems impossible to know if the product you’re buying is real or not. I guess the lesson I learnt here is to always double check if an online retailer or website is an authorized seller, and make sure to read the reviews and descriptions thoroughly.

Lastly, if an offer is too good to be true, it probably is. It is better to save up and invest your hard-earned money on something you know is of good quality, instead of wasting your time and money on fakes.

So if you happen to come across a store or online website selling YSL Momaba bags, be extra careful and make sure to do your due diligence. That way, you won’t be left with a fake YSL bag like I was.

Not all stores and websites are out to make a quick buck – but it doesn’t hurt to be extra cautious. Do your research beforehand, and make sure the product you’re buying is the real deal.

It’s key to heavily scrutinize where you’re shopping, especially when buying designer products. Ask questions, do your homework, and always strive to be an informed and aware consumer.

Free photo Asg Specna Rifle Airsoft Replica Airsoft Tactical - Max PixelIf you ever find yourself lucky enough to have a chance to buy an YSL Momaba bag, make sure you are doing it from the right source. That way, you will be guaranteed to get the product you paid for!