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where to buy fake bags in jakarta

I recently found out about Jakarta’s booming business in fake bags, and I wanted to know where to buy them so I could get in on the action. After talking to a few friends, I narrowed it down to three main spots.

The first place is an old shop in the heart of Jakarta. It used to be a small family-run business in the 90s, but now it has become a hub for buying cool, trendy bags. The bags are stylish and in season – plus they come in an array of colors and sizes. Unfortunately, they don’t come cheap – they will cost you at least Rp 500.000 each. Some people say they offer the best quality for the price, and I wouldn’t argue.

The second place is a market in Subang area. When I visited it last week, the whole area was filled with people looking for something new to add to their wardrobe. You can find a lot of counterfeit bags here, both good and bad. Prices start from Rp 250.000 and can go up to Rp 600.000. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell the good replica bags from the bad ones until you’ve bought them. That’s why I recommend you to go with experienced shoppers if you’re planning to buy something here.

The third place is a small online shop. I was surprised to find out about this one – I had no idea people were selling fake bags on the internet. Prices are much lower than in the stores and markets – most of them are around Rp 100.000. Of course, the quality is not great, but it’s still better than nothing if you need a cheap bag for a special occasion.

So, that’s where you can buy fake bags in Jakarta. For me, the best option is to visit the shop in the heart of the city and invest in some quality bags. I mean, having a nice and stylish bag usually pays off in the long run. Just remember to be careful and know exactly what you’re buying!

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