where to buy fake bags in jakarta
I recently found out about Jakarta’s booming business in fake bags, and I wanted to know where to buy them so I could get in on the action. After talking to a few friends, I narrowed it down to three main spots.
The first place is an old shop in the heart of Jakarta. It used to be a small family-run business in the 90s, but now it has become a hub for buying cool, trendy bags. The bags are stylish and in season – plus they come in an array of colors and sizes. Unfortunately, they don’t come cheap – they will cost you at least Rp 500.000 each. Some people say they offer the best quality for the price, and I wouldn’t argue.
The third place is a small online shop. I was surprised to find out about this one – I had no idea people were selling fake bags on the internet. Prices are much lower than in the stores and markets – most of them are around Rp 100.000. Of course, the quality is not great, but it’s still better than nothing if you need a cheap bag for a special occasion.