where to buy fake bags in florence
Ah, Florence, the beautiful century-old city renowned for its grand architecture and art galleries! It’s no surprise to me that when one comes to Florence, the first thing they want to do is find some beautiful and fashionable souvenirs. Though arguably a bit unscrupulous, one of the best places to find some designer bags is at a fake bag market.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, ‘Yikes! Fake bags? Is that even safe?’ Well, more often than not, yes. Though obviously not coming from the original designer, these bags contain sturdy materials that can still last quite a bit of time; and the craftsmanship is surprisingly detailed. Plus, you’re able to own not just one, but several replica bags within a fraction of the price of the original!
My friends and I have gone to several fake markets throughout the city, settling mostly in the Oltrarno district. We usually tell the taxi driver to drop us off at ‘the fake bag market’ to save some time. It’s a great way to spend a day. We spend the morning strolling through the seven or so big tents and tiny stands that make up the fake market, and it’s not uncommon to see them offering the same type of replica bags and wallets! The best part about it is that they usually have incredibly friendly and knowledgeable staff—always ready to give some tips on where to find the best pieces.
The place has actually grown in popularity over the years. It’s been said even the wealthier Florentines come out here to shop – mainly because of the superb quality. Not only do they sell designer pieces, but also ‘generic bags’ which look a lot like the designer versions. Again, while these might not be made to the same quality or level of detail, they’re still quite durable and awesome to carry around.
Speaking of which, I have made it my own mission to scout the market for some of the best piece. I have to say, I’ve been quite lucky! Though it might require some patience and skillful haggling, you can find some really gorgeous and unique pieces, usually at a fraction of their original worth. The fake market is not for the faint of heart, and requires some serious self-control to walk away from all those awesome bags!
Now, even though the market might look intimidating, it’s really nothing to be afraid of. As long as you’re careful and watch out for pickpockets like in any other crowded market, you should be able to have a really great time. And when you’re done, all you have to do is get a taxi to drive you back to your hotel and you can enjoy a long and peaceful afternoon. What better way to shop than a fake bag market?
I mean, you still get the feeling of adventure and the thrill of finding a steal! It’s great for those looking for something unique or for anyone on a budget. You might just be surprised at the quality you’ll find.
So next time you’re in Florence, be sure to fit in a few hours at the fake bag market! Who knows, you might even find that dream bag at a fraction of its worth.