Have you ever come across a fake bag? What do you do with it? It can be a real bummer when you find out something you wanted to buy is a fake. I remember the time I came across one. It was a Gucci handbag and the price was way too good to be true.
Anyway, the first thing I did was check the logo. The shape of the G was wrong and the font was different from the real one. In hindsight, it was so obvious! The material of the bag was of much lower quality than the real Gucci bags.
I decided to buy a high-quality fake bag and then have my favorite local tailoring store customize and modify it. I gave them the idea of an old-style Gucci bag and they gave me the best-looking bag even if it was a fake.
And so it was! I got a new personalized bag made just for me. It wasn’t from Gucci, but I took pride in its unique look and made sure to show it off whenever I could. After taking a few compliments, I was sure that I was the only one who owned such a bag.
That was one of the craziest things I did! Modifying a fake bag requires some out of the box thinking, that’s for sure. It also needs a lot of creativity and resources to get done, which makes it a much better option than disowning it altogether.
My Advice? If ever you come across a bad quality fake item, think twice before discarding it. It’s always worth checking if it can be modified according to your liking. Your creativity of turning the negative into positive can lead you to some amazing results!
Another great thing you can do with a fake bag is upcycle it. You can reuse it by giving it a bit of facelift. You can try out different styles and designs and choose one that appeals to you. You can customize it by adding patches, laces, buttons, stones, or beading to make it look fabulous and unique.
You can try out new trends or reignite the old ones that give a classic look. All of this will make sure that no one can tell whether it is a fake or not. Upcycling a fake bag is nothing short of upcycling, done as a fashion statement.
You can also make a real statement by donating the fake bag to a charity. This way your fake bag will be reused in a meaningful way, making it a win for all involved. Someone less privileged, in need of the more basic items, will benefit from your donation without actuallyever knowing that it is a fake bag.
Furthermore, if you have the extra time and energy you can create a handmade bag out of a fake one. This way you can upgrade it to a more sophisticated approach without spending extra money for it! Take your fake bag and repurpose it to make something brand new and much better. Plus, you don’t have to feel guilty about discarding something that someone has already created.
You can also take your fake bag and sell it on online markets. There are some people out there who buy fake bags for a cheaper price but want it to look like a fashionable and real branded item. So, it’s like you’re getting money for something you couldn’t use otherwise.
And if you’re feeling extra creative, why not build a business out of it? You can buy fake replica bags in bulk from online stores and then have them modified according to customer’s needs. You can run your own online store or market booth.
Another great way to make use of a fake bag is to resell it. You can do this online or you can try your luck at flea markets or craft fairs. Some people don’t really care if the bag is real or fake because they just want something that looks good and they don’t mind paying for it.
You can also use a fake bag to make your own accessories, like a purse, a carry-all, or a tote bag. And if accessory making seems like too much work for you, why not try using the bag as a decoration piece. Hang it on a wall or place it on a bookshelf. It’s sure to add a bit of pizzazz to your home.
Finally, if you’re really low on funds, you can trade the fake bag with someone or swap it with some other item. You can post online ads, join a local trading group, or ask some of your friends to make a trade with you. Who knows? You just might get something you actually need or want in exchange for your fake bag.