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What I Wish I Knew Before Buying a Fake Bag

Free PSD baggage prepared for travellingI wish I knew before buying a fake bags bag – I should have done my research first.​ If I could go back in time, I would definitely have saved a lot of money and drama.​

There tends to be a lot of misconceptions about knock-off bags, which leads many people down a rabbit hole of letdown.​ Surely enough, that was the case for me.​ Before finding out I had purchased a replica bag, I was under the impression that these knock-offs could never actually be that distinguishable from the real thing.​ Boy, was I wrong.​

When I first started perusing the market of knock-off bags on the internet, I found myself enthralled by the pleasant prices.​ I thought, “This can’t be too good to be true!” Despite the doubts I had about its authenticity, I ignored the warning signs and still ordered the bag.​ After looking back, I can clearly remember the feeling of pure joy I got when I saw the pictures that showed the “brand-new” bag I bought.​

However, my bliss didn’t last for long.​ It wasn’t long before the bag arrived in the mail that I started finding out some odd things.​ It was then that I found out those “leather-feel” straps were actually made of plastic.​ That was when I also noticed that the “genuine leather” portion of the bag was actually made of vinyl.​ Of course, I was mortified by the realization that I had been duped.​ Buying a low-quality replica bags had left me feeling foolish.​

Though I had tried to figure out if the bag was a knock-off ahead of time, I just didn’t know enough yet.​ I wish someone had told me to compare the measurements, weight, and texture of the real and replica bags.​ If I had known about those details, I could have prevented myself from the embarrassment of being duped out of my hard-earned money.​

But despite all the disappointment I had experienced, in order for me to prevent this from happening again, I also had to learn a bit more about spotting a replica bags.​ After doing my research, I noticed that many designer bags come with various logos placed in a certain location on each side.​ I had to become familiar with where those logos were usually placed.​ In addition, basic don’ts such as not buying a replica bags from a flea market should be followed as well.​

I also came to acknowledge how important it is to pay attention to the craftsmanship of a bag.​ Although the replica bag may look exactly like the designer’s creation, there will be imperfections that cannot be hidden.​ For instance, when running my finger across the stitching of the bag, I had to feel for smoothness.​ Visually examining the lining, straps, hardware and seams of the bag were also imperative.​ Keeping an eye out for spelling mistakes on the tags was also a tell-tale sign that the bag in question was not authentic.​

Buying a knock-off isn’t the crime of the century, but it can be a bummer if you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.​ I found out the hard way that misrepresenting a designer product was a huge mistake.​ I should have done my research in order to spot the red flags in my bag, beyond the tempting price tag.​ Spending a bit of extra money to buy the real thing definitely would’ve saved me a lot of grief.​

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