The Price of a Fake Bag: My Lessons Learned

We’ve all heard the alarming stories, but I never actually believed I could fall for such a scam—buying a fake bag.​ It was my first trip to China and replica bags of course, I wanted to score some great deals.​ What I didn’t expect was that I was about to become the victim of a scam and learn a lesson in the process.​

The shopkeeper was really nice and the price was too good to be true.​ Naturally, I decided to buy the bag.​ As I reached into my purse to pay, I noticed the name of the brand spelled out the wrong way, but at the time I wasn’t that educated on designer labels and it didn’t even register to me.​ In hindsight, the signs were there but I completely overlooked them.​

The moment I got home I posted my so called $1800 designer bag on Instagram and the trolls came after me.​ As it turns out, it was a fake.​ I was beyond embarrassed.​ What was more shocking was learning that I had paid triple the price of what the bag was actually worth.​ It was a heart-wrenching moment.​

The fiasco made me more aware of the price of a fake bag, and how important it is to be on the lookout for counterfeits.​ Moreover, I learned that even if the bag looks “authentic” the manufacturer could have used cheap materials, so it’s important to buy smarter.​ Especially when it comes to luxury brands, replica bags you often get what you pay for.​

So the next time I felt the urge to score a deal on a designer bag, I did my research.​ I made sure I knew who the designer was, the name of the bag, and any of the little details that make the original so unique.​ I also asked friends in the know for advice.​ They even did special Google searches to make sure I wasn’t being duped.​

Perhaps the biggest lesson I learned from the whole ordeal was to never be shy to ask questions.​ If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.​ If the price isn’t quite right, fake bags it’s better to leave it be.​ In other words, if it’s too good of a deal, it’s wise to walk away or ask for a second opinion before hitting the ‘buy’ button.​

It’s also important to shop from outlets that have a good reputation, so purchases can be monitored.​ This way, chances of determining if the bag is a fake or not can be determined long before buying.​

The cost of a fake product doesn’t just involve the purchase of the item itself.​ There’s emotional and psychological damage that no amount of money can buy.​ At the heart of it, I learned that asking questions and doing thorough research is the best way to make sure I stay away from counterfeit products and seedy business.​