When it comes to buying designer bags, there’s a lot of confusion out there. Do you buy the real deal, a designer-inspired knockoff, or a replica? I’ve been down that road myself so I feel the need to share my insider’s guide on how to know which one to buy.
Next, beware of low prices. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. A wallet in the $50 range might be a fake, and even if it’s a replica, there’s a chance it won’t last very long. (Metaphor: It’s like sailing the ocean in a leaky boat!) So, if you can’t find available reviews for a designer inspired or replica, invest your money into the original product.
When shopping online, you want to look for details in the photographs. Many times, if it’s a clone, the company will use a generic stock photograph and not make its own. They might also miss important details like the logo or brand name placement. (Compound Sentence: If it looks too perfect, it probably is and it could be a fake!. )
Now that you know what to look for, ask yourself why you’re buying a replica in the first place. Is it because the designer bag isn’t available in your budget, or is it because you simply want a designer inspired lookalike? (Transitional Phrase : In either case, ) If it’s important to you that you support the designer brand, buy the original.
Finally, check the company’s return policy. If something doesn’t feel right despite all the research and clue searching, make sure you can return it for a full refund. (Contraction: Don’t be stuck with a bag you don’t even want!)
So, now that I’ve explained what to look out for in the world of designer bags, let’s break down the main three types: real designer, designer-inspired and replica bags.
Real Designer Bags
The big allure to buying a real designer bag is that the quality and craftsmanship is authentic. It may be pricey, but you can rest assured that you’re getting the best of the best right from the source.
Designer-Inspired Bags
Designer-inspired bags are the best of both worlds, they borrow the look of a designer bag but still remain in your price range. Oftentimes, these are great quality but you should always do your due diligence by reading reviews.
Replica bags, on the other hand, are exact clones of the designer bag, right down to every detail. They may be able to fool the masses, but it’s hard to tell the difference between the two to the trained eye.
When it comes to designer bags, the combination of style, craftsmanship and quality is important. However, knowing which one to buy all comes down to the evidence uncovered after researching and investigating. (Preposition: With the right insight, ) you can get your hands on the perfect designer bag at the best price.