When I first started doing my research into fake designer replica bags, I had no idea the overwhelming harm that this illegal activity brings to so many people. Not only are these counterfeit items robbing us of the thrill of investing in genuine quality pieces, but the amount of money that goes into producing and distributing these goods sustains and perpetuates a host of global criminal networks and disasters. After reading more, I discovered a shocking, hidden truth- something I was ill prepared for.
Fake bags and knock-off designer goods defy the luxury industry and steal from the original designers. The moment someone purchases a fake instead of a real bag, they have essentially bought into a life of criminal behavior. Money from these purchases doesn’t just line the pockets of the nefarious people who create the fake bags, but also actively funds human trafficking, drug production, and many other terrible practices.
Unfortunately, counterfeiting has an impact on not only designer goods, but seems to cross all industries, from food to pharmaceuticals to even consumer technology. These goods not only provide criminals a way to make money, but also perpetuates the consumption of potentially dangerous and hazardous products. It’s not only the consumer that is at risk, but the discovery of fake items have resulted in the destruction of whole villages, factories, and industries related to the production of those real goods.
What truly surprised me from my research is the magnitude of the whole issue. What starts out as a seemingly simple choice made by a designer bag lover can have ripple effects felt globally. Fake bags are the result of organized Asian crime syndicates like the Triads, not just local street criminals. These large networks have branched out into numerous other industries, such as gun or drug smuggling, prostitution, and even cybercrime.
But the unsuspecting buyer of a fake bag is maybe not the only one to be blamed for this situation. A lot of brands are simply failing to take a hold of the situation and effectively regulate the production of their goods. It’s up to each and every one of us to make sure that we understand and acknowledge the fact that buying a fake bag helps to perpetuate some of the most dark and damaging global problems.