I’m sure you’ve already seen replicas and real bags when you’re out shopping. The line between the two can be quite unclear and quite often you have to do a bit of detective work to make sure that you’re getting a genuine product. So, here’s my take on the difference between real and replica bags.
Second, take a look at the materials that have been used. Real fake bags are usually high quality leather, fabrics, hardware, and in some cases, exotic materials. Replicas are usually made out of synthetic materials, and the difference is very noticeable.
Third, examine the details. Genuine fake bags have unlimited attention to detail, from the interior lining of the bag to the logo and stitching. Replicas on the contrary, usually have someone lazily stitching one combined logo, or no logo.
Fourth, pay attention to labels and tags. Luxury brands put some sort of a tag on its product to authenticate them. So, if the tag is missing or wrong, that’s a huge red flag.
Fifth and lastly, make sure you check the packaging. Brands usually put their products in special boxes, with the logo of the brand. The interior packaging also has branding and a certificate of authenticity.