supreme bag fw18 fake
My friend, what have I got to tell you! A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon this incredible bag from Supreme. It was the FW18 Fake and I was stunned. The first thing that attracted me was the bright green and red colour. It’s like a flag – signifying some kind of power. It has a canvas material that’s very durable. The strap is adjustable, so you can go from strolling the streets to walking up a hill with it, replica bags and it will still remain comfortable enough to carry around.
When I held it, it felt luxurious in my hands. It’s soft and it also had a weight to it that made it feel like a premium item. That same vibe ran through me when I put it over my shoulder – the thick straps spread the weight so evenly across my back, I felt like I was wearing something out of a magazine. It was like a power boost, a metaphorical cape that I was wearing to empower myself for the day.
But holding the bag made my heart sink a little too. It was beautiful and unique, but it was costly. For me, it was a reminder of how I can’t always buy everything I find interesting. I do have savings, but I’d like to save up for something really special – something that I can look back on and replica bags think: I saved to get that, it’s like an investment.
So, I decided against it. It was hard, I kept thinking back to that bag while I browsed around. When I did buy something, even if it was way cheaper than the bag, I still had this feeling of guilt. It was like a sign that I shouldn’t be spending money and I was not being frugal.
So I put it away and went on the search for something more affordable, with the same vibes as designer. And you know what? I found a bag that was pretty much identical! You wouldn’t be able to tell it was a knock-off, it was just as good, and a fraction of the cost. I loved it! I put it on and it felt exactly the same, and I knew I was now equipped with a fashionable bag to go out and take on the world.
And that’s the story of how I came across the Supreme FW18 Fake bag. I had a fleeting temptation to buy it but at the end, I was happy with my knock-off. It gave me the same confidence boost that the designer one would have, without all the financial guilt.