
supreme 3m shoulder bag real vs fake

My buddy recently showed me his supreme 3m shoulder bag he bought recently and I was blown away. Not only was it a classic piece of American heritage but it was also made up of the highest quality materials. It looked legit and ever so chic! I was almost fooled into buying it myself until I started to hear more about their fake versions around the market. It got me thinking: what is the difference between the real and the fake bags shoulder bags?

First things first, it has been known that the real ones have a genuine 3M logo firmly printed at the front. It’s a subtle symbol that only an experienced eye would spot indicating that the product was created with the highest quality materials. This is why some of the fakes struggle to imitate the original logo; failing to make it look as flawless as it should be.

The other thing I noticed when studying the differences is the material used for the bag itself. It seems as if the real ones used a higher quality fabric than its replicas. This makes sense because, after all, the original product is known for its durability, meaning it has to be made out of the best fabrics to resist wear and tear.

Then comes the inside of the bag, which is quite a tricky one. Most of the buyers tend to think that the fakes offer as much compartments as the authentic ones, which is entirely untrue. In fact, the original products have extra compartments in the inner linings in order to keep your personal items safe. That alone makes the original product a must have.

Another way to spot a fake would be to look for the serial number. This is yet something many counterfeits fail to provide which makes them a target for cops. For years now, the real ones have been engraved with a serial number to prove their authenticity. Plus, this goes hand in hand with another sign of legitimacy; the original tag found stitched to the inside.

The final battle between a real and fake shoulder bag is over the shoulder straps. The authentic product has straps that are attached perfectly around the bag, compared to the fakes that sometimes have straps that come off easily. This shows that a real product has gone through a more planned process than the counterfeits. As a saver, why not trust the process?

When it comes to the main topic on Supreme 3M shoulder replica bags, it is safe to say that the real products offer more benefits than the fake versions. Not only will you find premium quality fabrics, compartments, original tags and perfect straps; you will also be sure that you are helping to protect the trademark of such an iconic brand. Yeah, it really pays off to go the extra mile in matters like this! Is it worth investing into the real thing? What do you think?