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On The Hunt for the Perfect Fake Bag

I have been on the hunt for the perfect fake bag for what feels like forever.​ Every time I look online or check out a boutique or store, I am disappointed.​ There are so many imitation bags out there, but none of them quite have the same attractiveness or quality as the real thing.​

I don’t mind collecting designer bags that are gently used, but most of the time, the ‘used’ looks suspiciously new – like it’s been used once or twice, or never at all.​ I mean, I know that if I want quality and something that will last, I should be ready to pay the price for it.​ So, if I am going to go on a spending spree and make an investment in a designer item, I don’t want to buy a fake one.​

But it seems like every time someone asks me where I got my purse, they react differently once I tell them it’s designer, versus if it were a replica.​ People just judge you more when you own the real thing, and I don’t like it! So I figure I am stuck between a rock and a hard place here.​

So, I decided to take advantage of the designers who have created fabulous fake bag collections.​ After doing some research, I realized there are a few firms that have put together really good replica bags handbags that almost look like the genuine article.​

You can find faux leopard skin print bags, classic beige and brown tones, super stylish pastels, and even the trendiest of them all – the belt bag.​ I ended up getting a really a cute knock-off designer bag – one that I can hardly tell the difference between it and a real!

The thing about fake bags is that you can save a lot of money – like hundreds of dollars- and still look like you have invested a fortune in your bag.​ It feels like I’m just beating the system sometimes, and it is a satisfying feeling.​ I’ve also found myself stocking up on the fake bags so when I have a special event or need to give a gift I am always prepared.​

I have been comparing the quality of the bags and one thing I will say is that you have to be really careful when it comes to the details.​ I once received a faux designer bag that looked like it was made out of felt – one of the iconic Hermes purses! Luckily, I was able to return it.​

But it doesn’t mean you can’t find great fake bags out there.​ I have had several since embarking on this hunt, and they still look great – as long as you take good care of them.​ Instead of spending a lot of money, I opt for powder or leather conditioner – it keeps my purses looking as good as new, without breaking the bank.​

Fake bags also give off the ‘high-end vibe’ so I feel like I’m still in the mix, even when I’m only carrying an imitation.​ To be honest, it’s super fun to switch between a fake and a real bag, depending on the occasion.​ I get compliments on my ‘designer bags’ all the time, and I just smile in response without saying a word.​

Another thing I like about fake bags is that they come in all shapes and sizes.​ You could find teeny mini bags that fit your phone and nothing else; hobo-style large bags with loads of compartments; or timeless clutch bags that work for day and night.​ I recently scored a metallic clutch for a fraction of the price of the real thing– amazing!

But of course, sometimes the fake bags can lookunconvincingly…er.​.​.​fake.​ Like I said earlier, you have to tread carefully and take time to find a bag that has the same quality as the genuine article.​ That doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be expensive, but just that it has to be of a certain standard – not something that will break or fall apart after a few wears.​

And of course, you have to utilize the internet and shop around to truly find the best deals.​ I often compare prices and check customer reviews to get the low-down before I buy anything, so I know exactly what I am getting – and at what price.​

The key is to investigate at least three places to compare.​ That’s what I always do – unless there is a store that is having an unbeatable sale, then all bets are off! I usually go with my gut, and it has steered me in the right direction more times than not.​

One of the most important details to pay attention to is the details: the stitches, the hardware, the monogram, the texture of the material…all of these indicators will tell you whether the bag you’re looking at is imitation or not.​

In any case, these days you can reap the benefits of the ‘fake bag’ trend without having to look like you’re trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.​ From classic designer-inspired styles to radiant metallics to realistic designer logos, the possibilities are endless.​

It’s up to you to take the plunge and get a fake bag that looks like the real thing.​ And let’s be honest.​ If you’re lucky, no one will ever be the wiser.​

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