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My Replica Bag – Faux Labels and a Media Frenzy

Before I go on about how my replica bags bag ended up causing a media frenzy, I want to preface my story by saying I’m a huge fashion admirer.​ My collection primarily consists of knock-off luxury fake bags, shoes, and clothing.​ I only buy replicas and thought I’d never get in legal trouble for it.​

So, I recently bought a gorgeous pink Gucci replica bags bag, and frankly I was in love.​ It made me feel like I could take on the world, and if I left the house with it I felt like I was in a celebrity’s presence.​ Like any typical girl, I fully embraced the excitement and was taking selfies with it everywhere.​

But then I had a bit of a wake-up call.​ I had posted a picture of my bag to my blog page to showcase the glam it added to my outfit and got a comment that said it was best to steer away from using any logos or creators names if it was a replica.​

I was surprised because of all the bloggers I followed, none had mentioned this before.​ I racked my brain thinking of why this comment had cropped up so suddenly from one of my followers.​ That’s when I did a bit of research and I stumbled upon a news article that said one of the luxury brand had slapped a law suit against the retail company I bought the bag from.​

This was big news and replica bags before I knew it, the news had gone viral, with legal experts offering all kinds of opinion about the rights of the luxury brand and retailers of replicas.​ I felt I had put myself in a bit of awkward situation as I had aligned my personal brand with a retailer that was involved in a controversial trial.​

I started to feel a bit worried, thinking if I am held responsible as well since the bag I bought was a replica and had the same design as a popular offering from that luxury brand.​ I decided to take down my post from my blog page and lay low.​

The existing legal bills weren’t the only thing going on, the court process had made influencers and bloggers quite conscious of even indirectly endorsing or advertising knock-off or counterfeit products, resulting in a proverbial media frenzy.​

I was over Legislations lawyers on the one hand, and celebrity lawyers on the other, discussing the toll and rights of the luxury brands on television.​ It just seemed everywhere I looked, everyone was talking about the replica bags – faux labels, the legalities of it, and how it affected the luxury brand.​

At first I would have thought that I’m not doing anything wrong.​ After all I had posted a picture of a bag, not of a trademark.​ But on further reflection, I realized how many laws and norms come into play when it comes to things that are associated with fashion and luxury brands, and I’m glad I stayed in my lane.​

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