It was only a few weeks ago that I bought my first designer bag and I was so excited to finally have a luxurious piece. My friend recommended me a website and I found the perfect bag that I wanted! I was so eager to get it that I didn’t even bother to check the reviews, and before I knew it, replica bags my bag was arriving.
The feeling when I unboxed it was indescribable. I was so content and felt like I had won the lottery. It was honestly the best feeling ever. However, I was shocked when I realised it wasn’t real! It was an obvious replica bags, and I was so embarrassed that I had fell victim to this scam. All of my excitement flew away and I felt so stupid.
I immediately called the company and demanded a refund, but of course they refused. They told me that they had a ‘no return policy’. How could I be so naive?! I should have known better, so I took it as a lesson learned. I was so upset that I was taken advantage of, but it was a lesson better the hard way.
Since then, I have done further research into the brand and website I used and replica bags discovered that they have actually been accused twice of selling replicas! I was so angry as this would have saved me a lot of trouble and of course my hard earned money if I had done my due diligence.
To add insult to injury, the bag was cheaply made too. The material was not the promised leather and the colour was much lighter than what I had expected. Nothing about it was the same that was advertised on the website and I felt so cheated. Even if it was a replica bags, at least it should have been a good quality one!
I would also like to mention that this company had managed to scam around 20 people before me. It seems I was just lucky enough to make the list. This made me realise how common this kind of fraud is nowadays, and it truly breaks my heart as I know of so many people being scammed of their hard earned money.
Now anytime I buy an item, online or in stores, I always check the reviews meticulously and make sure that I am not dealing with a fraudster as it has really made me cautious. I will never forget this experience and I advise everyone else to be extra careful with who they are buying from. I am never buying from this company and website ever again, so I guess I’ll be waiting for my perfect designer bag forever!