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My Journey of Learning to Spot Fake Bags

My journey of learning to spot fake bags has been an exciting one! I remember the day when I first stumbled across a video that crew up the possible signs of counterfeit luggage.​ At first, I laughed it off, but then I realized that some sellers are getting sneakier and sneakier with their imitations.​ I decided to take a closer look.​

First and foremost, I had to familiarize myself with the craftsmanship of the original replica bags.​ A single glance was enough for me to recognize how good the construction was.​ Everything from the thread to the fabric had to be perfect and the same.​ I also noticed that designers often use their own trade marks-like numbers, monograms, or initials, and signature motifs-to authenticate the items.​

I realized then that anything less than perfect had to be fake.​ I knew for sure that although I was far from an expert yet, I had the ability to spot a few give-away signs in fake bags.​ Little things like zippers that were loose, or hardware that was scratched and scuffed, and lining that didn’t match were good clues for me to assess the authenticity.​

I also learned after heaps of research and practice that a bag shouldn’t feel heavy for its size.​ It should be light, yet sturdy, and the handles should be symmetrical.​ The leather should be soft and supple with no tears, dents, or missing sections.​

But unfortunately, the telltale signs of fake bags weren’t always so obvious.​ I had to really buckle up and go down a rabbit hole of research to learn more about the materials and construction processes.​ I was committed to becoming a connoisseur so I often scoured the web for insights into fabrication techniques, along with videos from expert reviewers.​

I also found that it helped to request additional information from the seller, like certificates of authentication, documents from the brand, and even photos of the insides of the bags themselves.​ Luxury bags often come with date codes, serial numbers, and monograms so without this information, I’d be shopping blind.​

Over time, I learned to trust my instincts more and more.​ I also became more aware of the signs to look for so I could make wiser purchases and eliminate unnecessary risks.​ Of course, there are certain replica bags that have become almost too convincing, but for those, I involve companies like Entrupy and other experts to verify their authenticity.​

Finally, I pay the ultimate price attention to detail.​ I don’t care to commit to a purchase unless I can confidently point out everything from the stitches to the logos to the linings.​ By now, I’ve familiarized myself with hundreds of different designer bags and I’m proud to say that my collection is a reflection of my hard work.​ I never opt to buy blindly again!

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