When I first bought my fake bags Louis Vuitton bags I thought I was getting amazing deals. I was over the moon with excitement that I had 2 of the newest styles for a fraction of the price that I would’ve paid if I had gone to the store. Little did I know that I was really setting myself up for a mess. Looking back, what I wish I had known then was that fake bags bring with them a lot of frustrations and headaches.
When I inspected my bags I started to notice the differences.The colors of the lining were wrong and the LV signature had been typed into the leather of the strap instead of engraved like it should have been. Right away I knew there was a problem. I tried to return the bags but the online store offered me no help with a return.
To make matters worse, I lost my Louis Vuitton authenticity card. I felt helpless and confused; I bought the bags looking for a great deal but instead I was left feeling scammed.
To save myself the headache of dealing with fake replica bags in the future, I asked around and ended up turning to a reputable and authorized seller. I immediately felt at ease and was reassured that the bags I was looking at were real and authentic. Connecting with an authorized dealer was the best thing I ever did.
The quality was off the charts, the leather was softer and the insignia on the bag was clear and precise. My friends and family pointed out the differences right away. I got the real deal this time and I had the peace of mind in knowing that.
Also, the store professional helped me care for my bags and gave me instructions on how to keep them looking new. They even gave me a dust bag that I could use to store the bag in, which was really helpful.
Finally, I made sure I kept my invoices and receipts in a separate file, in case I had any problems with the bag in the future. Now I can rely on the store for services such as how to repair any scratches, clean the bag, or provide a spare key for a lock.
By the end of the experience I could really tell the difference between a real and a fake bags bag. Not only was the quality of the material different, but I could feel and see the craftsmanship. I’m so glad I decided to buy the real thing; it was worth every penny!
Next time I’m looking for a new bag, I will definitely opt for a real one. Going with an authorized seller gives you access to all the services and maintenance items that come with the bag, making it worth the extra expense.
When I see a great deal at a store or online, I remind myself to double check where I’m buying it from. There’s all too often a trade off between convenience and quality. But if I’m going to be wearing the bag around town, I want to make sure it’s going to be durable and look good.
I also avoid second-hand bags like the plague. Unless you know the bag is real and it comes with all the paperwork and warranty, it’s better to stay away. Too often second-hand bags are counterfeits, and simply checking the tags and details isn’t enough.
Another tip I’ve learned is never to be tempted by the price tag. Always remember that if it’s too good to be true, it usually is. If you find yourself in the situation where you think you’re getting an amazing deal on an item, be sure to take a deeper look just to make sure you’re not getting taken for a ride.
One thing I learned after my experience with fake bags is to always value quality over price. Investing in a real LV or Gucci bag means you won’t have to worry about them breaking or falling apart. These genuine leather bags last for years and are a great return on investment for the future.
It’s also great to have the assurance of warranty cards and warranties. If you ever have a problem, the company will guarantee their products and fix the issue, saving you more in the long run.
Lastly, it’s important to remember why we buy luxury bags in the first place. A lot of us buy these pieces because of their classic, timeless design that will never go out of style. And when we invest our hard-earned money in a designer bag, we want to ensure that it will last us for years and be a statement piece to all our friends.