lv geronimos bag fake
But why was this fake so popular? Why did people even want it? The name ‘LV’ was enough for them. I mean, luxury brands are quite the attraction today! In addition, the heavy-duty construction made it look like a real one. The all-over-pattern was also quite amazing, and the bag was also quite roomy. And if you could afford it, it was obviously the best choice.
What no one understood though, was that no matter how much you try to imitate the real product, it can never be the same. Even the smell of the original bag was not the same. The quality of the material just wasn’t the same and, ironically, the cost difference was quite immense. I mean, if you’re going to spend that much, why not just get the real thing?
It wasn’t really about the name. It was more about the feeling the bag gave you. It made them feel better and that’s why people would buy the fake. It was like they were finally validated. That unspoken validation meant more to them than what any luxury brand could give.
The truth remained, no matter how much fun people had with these fake bags, they would always be fakes. And many people often regret their decision, in the end. People weren’t the only ones regretting the decision, luxury brands and retailers were regretting it too. The copies took away business away from the original.
I believe what these people should do is invest in the real deal. Now, I can understand why people are attracted to the idea of having a fake, but in my opinion, the original is worth more than the fake. If you have a little bit more money, the investment will last longer and will definitely fetch you more respect.
In terms of quality, nothing beats the original. Since the real ones are made with better material and craftsmanship, they feel better in your hands. The original bags also last much longer than the fake.
Now let’s talk about the looks of the original. Of course, it’s just beautiful. It’s the beauty of the classic design that sets it apart from the fake. The subtle monograms, the perfect finishing, the signature red tabs – everything adds to the charm of the bags. The smoothness of the leather and the thickness of the canvas just make it special.
At the same time, when you own it, it gives you a sense of pride. People will know that you are carrying the original. After all, the original will never disappoint. It will remain timeless and will never go out of style. The fake, on the other hand, may be of a trend and will eventually fade away.
In terms of maintenance, the real product is always superior. I mean, why buy something that won’t last? The original product is made to resist time and will last longer. And also, it is easier to maintain a real bag because it only needs a little bit more of attention than a fake.
I think it’s true that the fake bags do have a certain level of charm, however, I think it’s fairer to invest in the real bags. I agree that they may be a little expensive, but the satisfaction that comes with owning the original is incomparable.
As for getting the original, I found out that the best way is to purchase it online. You get the freedom to compare different styles, colors and sizes and in case you don’t like the product, you can always return it. So, I would suggest going online and making the purchase.
And last, but not least, let’s talk about authenticity. You don’t have to worry about that problem if you’re buying the real bag. The website will always have a certificate of authenticity and you’ll be able to check if it’s real or not. So, make sure to keep that in mind when you’re looking for the real one.
Now that we’ve discussed the differences between the fake and the real, I guess it’s time to make a decision. I think the real option is a much better investment and if you can afford it, it will definitely be worth it for the long run.
In conclusion, I think it’s fair to say that the fake bags may be of some fun, but in the long run, they just don’t give you the same satisfaction. But if you choose to buy the real bags, your investment will bring you lots of pride and respect. And you will not regret the purchase.