It all began when I decided to treat myself to a Louis Vuitton shoulder bag. I’d been saving my pennies for a while, and when I finally had enough, I decided it was time for a splurge. A bag like this doesn’t come cheap, so naturally I wanted to make sure I was getting the real deal. I’d heard horror stories of people receiving all sorts of imitations, counterfeits and fakes.
Unsurprisingly, when I arrived at the store, the prices were significantly higher than anywhere else. But I guess that goes without saying – genuine quality isn’t going to be the same cost as something that isn’t real. It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. There were three or four other replica bags which looked similar, but I made sure to check the label, the logo and all the other details I had read about.
The difference between originals and counterfeits was clear. The genuine piece had a richness of colour and texture that the imitations simply didn’t, as well as the smell of leather and quality craftsmanship. I’m no expert when it comes to fashion, and even I could tell the difference. The original was definitely the way to go.
I was so proud of myself for making the right choice. It may seem like a small thing but in my opinion, there’s something really special about getting your hands on the real thing. What made it even better was that I knew I was getting a bag that I could cherish for years.
When it came to the overall shopping experience however, I was less than satisfied. The salespeople at the store were not helpful and the store itself was chaotic and disorganized. The entire experience was slightly deflating, but that certainly didn’t take away from my joy over my new treasure.
In the end, it all worked out. I did my research and I was rewarded with a bag I knew wasn’t a fake. When buying something as valuable and as timeless as a Louis Vuitton, the smart shopper sets aside some money, does a little Googling and heads out to the store equipped with knowledge.
Now, every time I take out my shoulder bag, I feel a rush of accomplishment and joy. Everyone’s always complements me on how great it looks, which of course, it does. I’m just grateful to have made the right decision in investing in something as beautiful and iconic as a Louis Vuitton bag.
After researching more, I realized that fakes are still rampant and not all stores are as reliable as I thought. It turns out that most replica bags online and in smaller stores are not originals. It’s always best to stick to reputable brands and stores when making such investments.
What I find more disturbing is that a lot of people don’t actually mind buying fake bags. To me, it’s a matter of principle. When you spend so much money on a handbag, you should expect to get nothing but the best quality. Plus, counterfeits are illegal and send a strong message of support to those who wish to take advantage of the unsuspecting public.
Although it may cost a bit more to buy an original Louis Vuitton bag, it is worth every penny. You won’t just look stylish and make a statement, but you will also be contributing to the fight against counterfeit fashion. It’s likely that you will also be getting a bag that will last you a lifetime, so your investment will definitely be worth it.
Aside from the ethical debate, the originality of the bag adds another layer of protection from fakes. Signs like serial numbers, custom-made logos and stamps are all ways to spot a true Louis Vuitton. Plus, you are sure to get a piece that has been thoroughly inspected for any defects.
And lastly, who doesn’t want to have a bag as iconic as a Louis Vuitton on their arm? The craftsmanship and attention to detail is what make it stand out among all the other bags out there. A genuine Louis Vuitton speaks volumes about the owner. It’s a beautiful piece of fashion art that I am proud to call mine.
Sure, there is no guarantee that buying a fake comes without risks. Undoubtedly, there will be those times when you cannot be sure that a bag is truly authentic. In such cases, extra caution should be taken if the difference between an original and a fake isn’t obvious. It’s best to go directly to the store and request a much detailed description of the product or request a certificate of authenticity from the store.