So, one of my friends recently sent me a picture of her new bag – a Lindy Bag replica! I have to say, I was a bit confused at first. What exactly is a Lindy Bag replica bags, I asked myself. After doing a bit of research, I quickly learned just what this type of bag was and couldn’t help but get excited.
To start, a Lindy Bag replica is a bag inspired by a vintage style of handbag called the Lindy Bag. This style of bag was created in the 1950s as a way for ladies to carry their handbags over their forearm, as opposed to carrying them over the shoulder. It quickly became a style staple and as it was so popular, many different brands created their own Lindy Bag replica versions.
My friend’s Lindy Bag replica was the perfect blend of vintage and modern. It had all the features of the 50s style, like the large, two looped handles, and the white leather exterior. But it also had modern updates, such as the golden metal details, glittery sequins, and bright colors. It wasn’t the typical black, beige or cream that most Lindy Bags replicas come in.
Not only was the style detailed and cutesy, but it was also very practical. It had a zip closure, an internal pocket, and plenty of space to store items. I was impressed with how spacious it was, and came to appreciate it even more after my friend filled it with all her stuff.
The strap length was adjustable, a big plus for me since I’m quite petite. Even on full length, I could wear the bag comfortably on my arm. The wide looped handles meant I could add my own unique shoulder strap without having to sew onto the bag.
The most exciting thing about this Lindy Bag replica, however, fake bags was that it was very affordable. Not only did it look great, but it was also a reasonable price for a bag of this caliber. It was also machine washable which was really great, and it came with a dust bag for extra protection.
The design itself was amazing and the craftmanship was top-notch, making it a pleasure to carry. The leather of the bag felt silky, and it had an amazing smell. It also had beautiful detailing on the trim and zipper pull.
Overall I was in love with this Lindy Bag replica. It was stylish, practical and well-crafted. If you’re looking for a unique vintage inspired bag, then a Lindy Bag replica is definitely worth considering.