There are a few telltale signs that indicate whether a bag is genuine or not. First and foremost, if it was bought at a discount price then chances are it is not the real deal. Of course, if it was a genuine Coach Bag then the price also would have been pretty steep! Its important to check for the tell tale signs of quality workmanship. The logo, quality of leather, appearance of the stitching, and any all-over finishes can all be indicators of whether its real or not.
To the untrained eye it can be hard to tell if a bag is real or fake. Thankfully there are experts out there who can examine the bags in detail and advise you if it is legitimate or not. That said, you should be able to get advice on this online too. Looking up the serial number or the logo is often a way of determining whether the bag is genuine.
I’ve been researching my bag for some time and still can’t quite make up my mind if my bag is real or fake. It isn’t particularly old and I do think it looks genuine; apart from it being quite cheap for a Coach Bag. One other telltale sign is if it smells different from other Coach handbags. If it’s not genuine then it certainly isn’t made of fine leather!
I’m also pretty certain that it doesn’t have the same shape and size as my other genuine Coach purses. Its a bit wider and lower than the others. This often indicates that it is not genuine, but then again, all coach Bags differ in shape and size – even if they are legit.
Finally, the hardware is usually a good indicator of whether a bag is real or not. The Coach logo needs to be prominent, and the metal should be silver or gun metal in appearance. Drop offs in the finish of the metal or a faded logo can also be an indication that it is fake bags.
Perhaps one way to be sure is to ask someone with knowledge on the topic. Ask a friend or family member (who knows their stuff) to take a look at it and give you their honest opinion. Alternatively, ask at your local department store. However, this process can take a while – so if you want an answer faster, search online! You’ll be able to find some answers quickly.
So, that’s just a few of the ways for finding out if my coach bag is real or fake. But one thing is for sure; I’m going to continue to carry it with pride regardless!