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how to tell is a herschel bag is fake

When you’re thinking of getting a new Herschel bag you want to make sure it’s not fake. Believe me, I’ve been there and there’s nothing worse than spending your hard earned money on something that turns out to be a fake.

So I’m going to give you my top tips on how to tell if your Herschel bag is fake. First off, the most obvious fake knock off is poor quality stitching. You should look for obvious loose strings, crooked stitching, and unfinished edges. Quality counts when it comes to Herschel replica bags, so if the bag looks like it’s been poorly made, it’s a dud.

Also, good quality leather will have a consistent color—it won’t look blotchy or patchy. Fake leather will often swell and bubble when it’s exposed to water, so avoid any leather bags that don’t seem to be withstanding the test of time.

The zipper is another dead giveaway. If it snags on fabric, or is flimsy as you zip it up, it’s definitely a cheap knock off. Genuine Herschel bags will have high quality zippers that feel smoothly along the fabric.

What about the logo? If it’s riddled with spelling mistakes it’s hardly a coincidence, and you know you’ve been suckered! Herschel replica bags have a standardised logo and font style. If it’s off at all, then it’s not genuine.

And finally, the details count. Is the style number and date code correct? Have they listed ‘Herschel’ or just a similar name? Does the website offer refunds, or do they seem to avoid warrenties? If it’s a fake, they’ll likely avoid any type of accountability altogether.

By doing your research, you should be able to spot the dodgy ones in no time. Of course, it also helps knowing someone who’s been in the business for years, or to buy from a reputable and trusted website.

Apart from looking at the bag itself, you can check the product number written in the bag’s tag or at the bottom with the form of barcodes. The numbers and letters printed on the tag should be the same as those printed on the bottom of the bag and will usually have a corresponding form of verification, such as a hologram.

These tags are usually made of either cloth or leather, sewn or stitched onto the bag. So if it’s a big metal plate or a gold lettering font, it’s most likely a fake.

It’s also worth knowing which Herschel bags are most often faked, like the Little America or the Novel Dupper, as these are prime targets for knockoff factory producing. Also keep an eye out for sale prices that seem too good to be true—if it looks suspicious, it probably is!

Always look for the Herschel label, serial code, and barcode. Chances are if it says ‘Herschel’ it’s real. But if the bag you want doesn’t have the label, it’s likely a fake. It may even have a hologram or logo that looks a lot like the real Herschel but it won’t be the real deal.

Also be suspicious of imitations like ‘Heksel’ or ‘Hereshel’. Be sure to doublecheck the spelling. And if Herschel isn’t written in the classic script font, it’s likely a fake as well.

If you’re still not sure, examine the stitching. Look for detailed sewing and uneven spacing. Genuine Herschel bags have standardised sewing patterns whereas a fake might have non-uniform stitching or wobbly fabric.

Lastly, check for the materials. Herschel bags are usually made from canvas and leather. Fake bags may be made from thin or low-quality materials that won’t last. Whistles and snaps provide another clue to authentication. Genuine Herschel bags will have thoughtful attention to detail in terms of materials and hardware, while a fake might feature lower-grade ones.

These tips should help you spot a fake. And if you’re still unsure, it’s probably best to err on the side of caution and steer clear of the purchase.

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