Hi friend,
I just wanted to share my tips on how to tell a fake kate spade bag. Whenever I’m out looking for a kate spade bag, I like to be extra careful about not accidentally buying a replica. It may seem like a great deal at the time, but if it’s not genuine, not only will it not last as long as the original one but the quality just won’t be there.
The first thing I like to do is to check the price tag. If the price seems too good to be true, it’s very likely that the bag is a fake one. Honestly, it’s a no brainer! No one would ever sell an original kate spade bag at such a low price.
The second thing I like to pay attention to is the material. Fake bags are usually made of stiffer and cheaper materials. The original ones usually feel soft to the touch and have a nice texture to them. Fake ones feel a bit off and have a weird texture.
Another way to tell a fake kate spade bag is to look at the logos. The original one has a unique logo that is printed boldly and evenly on the outside of the bag. The fake bags ones usually have the logo printed too lightly or too darkly. It’s also worth noting that the font of the logo is slightly different in some cases – the font of the fake ones may not be consistent with the original ones.
Lastly, I like to take a look at the hardware. They are usually made of different metals and sometimes look faded or dull. Comparatively, the original kate spade bag has highly polished and shiny hardware. It’s definitely something to pay attention to, too.
All in all, it’s really important to know how to tell a fake kate spade bag. It’s not as hard as it may seem, as long as you take the time to carefully examine the details. So next time you’re out shopping for a kate spade bag, make sure to take your time and check it out thoroughly!
Another tip to remember is to only buy from an authorized dealer. There are a lot of unauthorized resellers out there, so you need to be careful to avoid being scammed. Even if the price is lower, it’s just not worth the risk.
It’s also good to remember that kate spade bags are usually quite expensive, so it’s understandable if you want to save some money. That’s why I always recommend checking out online stores or second-hand shops, as they usually have more affordable prices.
Finally, if you want to be 100% sure that the bag is authentic, then it’s best to just go to an authorized kate spade retailer. You can be sure that the bags they have are genuine and you can also get more help in finding the one that you want.
When it comes to getting a kate spade bag, it’s important to be extra careful to avoid getting scammed. It may seem tedious, but it’s really worth it to make sure that you’re getting the real deal. Just remember to check the price, material, logos, and hardware – these are all great indicators of whether the bag is real or not. Good luck and I hope my tips help!