how to spot fake supreme shoulder bag ss18
My friend! Have you ever heard of Supreme? I’m sure you have. It’s a pretty popular brand of fashion these days. But there are some not so nice scammers out there trying to fool consumers into buying fake Supreme shoulder bags. That’s why I want to share with you how to spot a fake Supreme shoulder bag.
The first thing I recommend is to closely inspect the materials used in the bag. Authentic Supreme bags are typically made of high quality, durable materials. Look for any signs of cheap materials, such as thin fabrics, poor stitching, or cheap zippers. If any of these attributes are present, the bag is likely not a real Supreme bag.
Next, consider the logo. Fake Supreme bags often feature a logo that’s slightly off, either in color, size, or font. Take a closer look at the logo and compare it to the real thing. If it’s different in any way, then it’s almost certainly a fake.
Third, check out the straps and buckles. Real Supreme bags feature sturdy straps and solid buckles. Fake bags will often have straps that are too thin or buckles that don’t line up properly. If you spot anything suspicious, it’s best to steer clear.
Fourth on the list is the label. Real Supreme bags feature a small label usually located inside the bag with the Supreme brand written in all caps. If the label isn’t present or is printed in a different font, then the bag isn’t real.
Finally, consider the price. Fake Supreme bags can usually be found for significantly cheaper than the real thing. So if you find a bag that’s too good to be true, then it probably is.
Now that I’ve shown you how to spot a fake Supreme shoulder bag, I want to emphasize the importance of being a responsible consumer. Don’t be fooled by knockoffs. Spend your money on authentic designer pieces that you can be proud of.
If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to distinguish a real Supreme shoulder bag from a fake. Look for extremely low prices, poor material quality, slight changes in logos, thin straps, and missing labels. All of these factors can help you spot a fake Supreme bag.
But it doesn’t end there. There are other ways to tell if a Supreme bag is real or fake. For instance, fake Supreme replica bags often have incorrect serial numbers or tags, incorrect colors, misspelled words on the label, a green ducktag instead of a brown one, and other giveaways. Make sure you pay attention to all these details when shopping for a Supreme bag.
Another sign of a fake Supreme bag is if the store isn’t an official seller of the brand. If the store doesn’t have the authentic Supreme logo or a certificate of authenticity, then proceed with caution. It’s also wise to purchase your bag from a reputable and trusted retailer. Always read the store’s return policy before buying, as fake Supreme bags don’t usually come with any sort of warranty.
Finally, you can also test the bag for authenticity. Hold the bag up to the light and look for quality materials, a properly sized logo, and sturdy straps and buckles. If the bag passes these tests, then it’s probably a real Supreme bag.
Now that you know how to spot a fake Supreme shoulder bag, I’m sure you’ll be able to protect yourself from getting scammed. Just remember to always look for the high quality materials, check the logo, examine the straps and buckles, and look for labels or serial numbers. Stay vigilant and you’ll be able to spot a fake Supreme bag from a mile away!