how to spot fake burberry bowling bag
A lot of people are being duped into buying a fake Burberry bowling bag. It’s a travesty, really, because the brand-name designer bags are expensive, and they should be the real deal! But how do you spot a fake? Well, fortunately, there are some specific things to look for.
First of all, examine the logo. Is it distinct? Is it crisp or blurry? The logo on an authentic Burberry bag should have a unique look. No two logos should be exactly alike, so if they look too generic, you may not have the real deal. Also look for the trademarked red, white, and black stripes. Those should appear perfectly symmetrical with no gaps.
Next, check the lining of the bag. Most Burberry bags have a canvas interior. This heavyweight canvas should be stitched in carefully and evenly, with no loose ends. The trademarked checkerboard should appear on the inside perfect and crisp. And make sure to look for that signature “Equestrian Knight” logo. It should be embroidered on the lining, not printed on a fabric tag.
Another thing to check is the quality of the leather. Real Burberry bags are made with leather of the highest quality, with a distinct feel and texture. If a bag seems plastic-y or overly shiny, it’s likely a fake. Also, make sure the hardware is heavy and does not feel cheap. For instance, the zippers should feel weighted when you slide them.
Finally, ask for the dust bag. Many brands don’t include a dust bag, but for luxury items like Burberry replica bags, the dust replica bags are almost always included. It should be a very thick material that is distinctively patterned, with the trademarked checkerboard lining inside. Also, an authentication card should come with it and check if the serial number printed on the bag matches the one on the card.
When you’re shopping for a Burberry bag, never buy one without doing thorough research. Check the reviews, ask questions, and examine the bag inside and out. Be sure to look for all these signs of authenticity, and you can avoid ending up with a fake.