how to spot a fake lacoste bowling bag
The second thing to look out for is the quality of the craftsmanship. Fake bags often boast shoddy workmanship with loose stitching and badly aligned handles. The fabric should feel soft and strong, and all the hardware should be securely attached – there should be no wonky corners.
The third red flag is the lack of branding or logos. Basically, it’s best to steer clear of any bags that don’t feature the classic crocodile logo – that’s the Lacoste signature! It should also be clearly visible from the outside of the bag and you should spot it almost immediately.
The fourth big giveaway of a fake is the differences in the fabric’s print. The all-over pattern should be aligned correctly, with no noticeable bumps at the seams. Authentic bags show perfect symmetry, no matter how you rotate the bag.
Finally, if you’re still unsure, take a close look at the inside of the bag. The inner lining should be made of a strong material that bears the Lacoste signature logo. If anything isn’t clear or seems off, it’s a big chance that you’re looking at a fake.
So that’s it – look at the price tag, the craftsmanship, the branding and logos, the fabric pattern and finally the inside lining. Those five steps can help save you time, money, and of course, that dreaded embarrassment.
Now let me expand the topic in the next 4 sections.
Beware of Shady Dealers
The truth is, the whole process of identifying a fake Lacoste Bowling Bag begins much earlier. Before you even venture into the shop, you should always be aware of the dealer you’re buying from. Many shady characters exist in the world of designer bags, so take a few extra minutes to research them. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
Pay Attention to Online Reviews
Trustworthy online reviews are a great way to make sure that you’re buying from a reputable dealer. Don’t be tempted by sellers who offer unbelievably low prices – and watch out for reviews that come from suspicious accounts. These reviews often are copied and pasted from another website, so take the time to compare policies and ask questions before you part with your money.
Check the Packaging Carefully
Counterfeit bags often feature cheaply-printed packaging with misspelled words or garish colour combinations. And if the seller is selling multiple copies of the same replica bags? That should be all the convincing you need to steer clear.
Make Sure You Have Proof of Purchase
Lastly, and this is a big one – make sure you have proof of purchase. It’s your insurance policy in case something goes wrong with your bag. As a rule of thumb, ask for a signed receipt or proof of authenticity. It may seem like a bother at the time but you’ll be grateful you took extra steps to protect yourself.
It is my wish that whenever you’d go out shopping, that you keep these few tips in mind. Who knows, maybe one day it will save you from making the same mistake I made. Good luck & happy bargain hunting!