how to spot a fake hermes paris bag
When looking to spot a fake Hermes Paris bag, there are certain things to look out for. The most significant of these characteristics is the material used to make the bag. Authentic Hermes Paris bags are made of a supple, heavenly smooth leather, so soft that it almost feels like butter on your hands. No matter what kind of material is used in a fake, it will never feel that same luxurious silky feel that the genuine bags have.
If you’re wondering how to check for the materials of a bag, the first thing you should do is take a close look at the grain of the leather. Fake Hermes Paris bags will often have a grain that does not look as noticeable or as smooth as the grain of an authentic bag. Furthermore, fake bags may also have a sheen to them, whereas a genuine bag will have a smooth, matte finish.
Another big tell-tale sign is the stitching of the bag; authentic Hermes Paris bags usually have stitches that are even and symmetrical with no hint of bunching or straying threads, while the stitches on a fake will often be done sloppily, with uneven spacing or even, worse, visible imperfections.
In addition, Hermes Paris replica bags are made with only the highest quality hardware. Carefully examine the hardware of the bag to check if it is made from genuine materials. Fake bags often have hardware that is heavy and unsteady, while a genuine bag will possess resilient hardware with a smooth, secure closure.
Now that we’ve gone through some of the major points to consider when looking for authenticity, let’s take a look at some of the other features that can easily tell a genuine Hermes bag from a fake. Authentic Hermes Paris bags come with a standard dust cover, which will either be plain or have the logo of the brand on it. Fake bags can have any kind of dust cover, or none at all, so this is an easy giveaway.
Another giveaway for authenticity is the tag of the bag. A genuine Hermes Paris bag will have a tag that will include the serial numbers of the bag. Fake bags will often not have a tag with a serial number, or might have the one which is obviously forged or scratched off from the corner. Moreover, the authenticity card is often a giveaway, as fakes may have cardboard cards that lack information or are written in poor English.
Finally, a few more things to check include the logo of the bag. Hermes usually stamps their logo on the front of the bags and on the hardware, so if there is any misspelling or smudging, this will likely be a sign of a fake. Similarly check for misspelling of the brand name in the tag of the bag and on the interior of the lining, as this is something fake bags often get wrong.