I am sure all of you have dreamed of owning an Arcadia bag and have wondered if that bag you saw online is the real deal! Well, here’s what I learnt on how to spot a fake Arcadia bag.
The first thing you need to do is take a quick look at the website you are buying from. Do some research and see if it looks legit. Stay away from sites that look too good to be true. Don’t be fooled by the designer-style photos, Read the reviews and look up on the internet, make sure the company is a legitimate business.
The next step is to inspect the bag closely. A genuine Arcadia bag will have high-quality materials, fine stitching, and impeccable craftsmanship. Fake Arcadia bags are usually made from inferior materials and have sloppy stitching. Also, look at the logo very carefully – genuine Arcadia replica bags have a unique font for the logo. If the logo looks blurry or off it’s a likely sign of a fake.
Another way to make sure your bag is the real deal is to check it for serial numbers.Genuine Arcadia bags come with an individual serial number printed into the fabric. It may be tiny, but it should be there. A fake bag won’t have one.
Another indicator of a fake is the price. If you are buying a real Arcadia bag from a known retailer, the price should be around $1,000. Anything cheaper than that is a sure sign of a fake.
The last step is to ask an expert or a dealer in your area. Genuine Arcadia bags are highly sought after and experts usually know when a bag is real or fake. Ask them to inspect the fabric, the logo, the serial number, and other details. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
So these are the main steps on how to spot a fake Arcadia bag. Now that you know the red flags, you can go ahead and buy with confidence!
Now that you understand the few steps of “How to spot a fake Arcadia bag”, let me delve a bit into the key details to look for.
The bag material and details are incredibly important in determining whether an Arcadia bag is authentic or not. Its leather should be a heavy weight, with beautiful grain which feels soft to the touch. The stitching should be perfect and the lining of the bag should be made with high-end materials. The logo should be accurately placed and colour matched.You can tell if a bag has a fake logo by looking at the font, if it’s different from the original and out of alignment, then you know it’s a fake. Serial numbers are also a dead giveaway for a fake Arcadia bag, as, again, they are unique and should be printed on the interior.
It’s also important when shopping to stay away from suspicious websites. Do some research, check the company’s history, read customer reviews and above all,if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
But even with all the necessary research and precautions, it’s easy to get fooled by a fake. This is why it’s best to stick with authorised resellers or boutiques. They are both excellent and reliable sources when looking to buy genuine Arcadia items.
Now let’s move to how you can find out if that beloved Arcadia bag is actually worth investing in? After all, it can be a big financial decision. One of the biggest benefits of investing in an Arcadia bag is that it can last you a lifetime. They are incredibly durable, look timeless and always retain their value. This makes them great investments as opposed to buying a cheap, quick-fix alternative.
Furthermore, it’s important to check the guarantee and warranty on the bag. Genuine Arcadia bags come with a full two-year international warranty. If it doesn’t have something similar, steer clear.
Also, note that the price of an authentic Arcadia bag can range from $1,000-$3,500 depending on the size and design. Anything less, and it’s unlikely to be a real item.
Now that we have discussed how to spot a fake bags Arcadia bag, let’s talk about why you should always go for authenticity. Not only will you get the level of quality and durability you paid for, but you will also have the confidence that your gorgeous bag isn’t going to fall apart the second you put it on.
Another advantage to going for an authentic Arcadia bag is the style it brings. It won’t go out of fashion anytime soon so you get to enjoy the investment for however long.
And lastly, who doesn’t love the feeling of knowing that you have a genuine Arcadia bag in your hand? It may be a pricey investment but it’s totally worth it if you’re on the lookout for luxury handbags with class.
Now that you know the facts about how to spot a fake Arcadia bag and why it’s important to invest in the real deal, let’s move onto how to store it.
It’s essential to store your Arcadia bag properly to keep it from dust and moisture. To do this, slip the bag into a dust bag and store it in a cool, dry place away from heat, humidity and direct sunlight. It’s also a good idea to use a fabric protector as it’ll help keep the leather or canvas from fading and cracking.
Aside from dust bags, I also like to use a purse organizer to store my Arcadia bag in. It helps protect it from scratches from leaning against other items and keeps the hardware from getting scratched or bent.
Also, it’s a good idea to check your straps and handles regularly to make sure they’re in working order. Keep them from getting frayed by not applying too much weight on them.
And lastly, you should always clean your bag regularly to keep it in tip-top condition. Leather or canvas cleaner works great, but it’s best to use a cleaner specifically designed for your type of bag. This way, it won’t damage the material and you can enjoy your Arcadia bag for many years to come!