how to spot a fake a hadaki bag
When it comes to shopping for bags, there’s nothing quite as desirable as a Hadaki bag. Not only are they eye catching and fashionable, but they’re also highly durable. With all that considered, it’s no wonder why fakes often masquerade around – so how can you spot a real Hadaki bag from a fake?
Well, my friend, let me tell you from experience, it’s not as hard as you’d think. In fact, if you know what you’re looking for, spotting a fake Hadaki bag is a piece of cake! Here are some tips I’ve gathered over the years to spot out Hadaki bag fakes.
First and foremost, check the stitching. If it’s sloppy or little frayed, you know you’re dealing with a counterfeit. Authentic Hadaki bags are meticulously crafted with tight, neat stitches that won’t come undone after a few wears.
Another red flag is checking the bag’s logo. Fake bags usually have a sloppy, off-center logo stitched on with off-colored thread. Genuine Hadaki bags come with beautiful, steel-threaded logos in the perfect position. Look closely at the embroidery and you’ll easily spot the difference!
Also double check the Hadaki’s tags: Usually the ‘made in’ tags list the origin of the bag. A legitimate bag is usually made in either America or Israel, so if the tags say ‘made in China’, it’s probably as fake.
Then, just to be sure, check the handles. Fake Hadakis usually have pieces of the handles attached to the bag with a glue; not an authentic sewn stitch, like in an original bag.
Finally, Look at the fabric. Real Hadaki bags are made with premium canvas fabric and strong polyester. Since counterfeits lack quality control, you’ll usually spot a difference right away. If the bag feels stiff, too soft, or is made with plastic-like fabric, it’s not authentic.
Contrary to popular belief, spotting a fake Hadaki bag isn’t that hard! Just look out for the red flags I mentioned, and you won’t have any trouble at all.
Now let’s dive a bit deeper so you can be sure of what’s what. One way to be 100% sure that your bag is authentic is to look closely at the details. Genuine Hadaki replica bags usually have greater detailing when it comes to the lining, hardware and even the zipper. So if you can find one with these three details, you know it’s the real deal.
Another great way to avoid buying a counterfeit Hadaki bag is by looking at the pricing. Although it can be hard to tell from just looking at the bag, in the long run it’s better to purchase the real one as it will last you longer.
Finally, the best way to make sure that you’re buying an authentic Hadaki bag is by shopping from an authorized dealer. This is by far the safest way to shop for a Hadaki bag. With these tips, you’ll know exactly how to spot a Hadaki bag fake and save yourself some worry and money.