My first step was to read up on all the tips the tutorial gave. The most important advice the guide got right away was to use a fine grain sandpaper to lightly buff the bag with circular motions, as this would loosen any dirt and grime from the fabric.
After that, I turned my attention to the bag’s hardware. Most fake bags come with cheap and fake looking hardware, so I wanted to change this up. I picked up some brand-name hardware from a craft store and thread it through the holes in the bag. It made an instant difference, transforming the look from trashy to très chic.
Next I added some leather detailing to the bag. I found some faux leather scraps at the thrift store and stuck them onto the bag in the shape of a nice, symmetrical pattern. This had the effect of making the bag look like a designer bag.
I was happy with how the bag was looking, but I wanted to take it one step further. To up the game, I hunted down some cute patches and appliqués to make the bag truly one-of-a-kind. After cutting out the patches and glueing them onto the bag, it looked stunning—ready to take to the streets.
At this point, I’d done pretty much all I could to make this bag look real. The only step left was to give it a touch of glam with some glitter and glitz. I added some strands of glitter and some sequins to the fabric, and the bag was ready. It looked so real, I was convinced it must have been a designer piece.
So if you ever want to make a fake bag look like the real deal, these steps are a great place to start. With a bit of creativity, some materials, and a little bit of elbow grease, you too can turn a dull fake bag into a pretty and stylish one.