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how to find fake designer bags on aliexpress

I was recently shopping around for what was supposed to be a designer leather handbag from Aliexpress, where you can get pretty much anything for an affordable price. The problem is, how do I tell if the bag is actually authentic or a cheap, fake bags knockoff? Ugh, it’s so frustrating.

Trust me, you don’t want to end up with a fake bag, because not only do they look bad, but you won’t get your money’s worth either. That’s why it’s important to be diligent and try to figure out if what you’re buying is a real designer bag or not. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to help ensure you don’t end up with a fake.

First, it pays to be informed. You should familiarize yourself with the construction details, hardware, stitching, logos, and dust bags associated with the bag you’re considering buying. This way, you’ll know what to look for on the Aliexpress item.

Another pro tip when looking for designer bags on Aliexpress is to pay attention to the seller. Sure, the price might be super low, but it could also be too good to be true. In most cases, it’s better to go for verified sellers or the ones that have received good reviews from buyers. Make sure to read the reviews as some may mention that the item is a fake.

Pay attention to the bag’s photos, as well. If the seller is trying to pull a fast one, there’s a good chance the images displayed will be of inferior quality. This could mean that the item is a replica made with cheap materials or bad craftsmanship. If the logo looks off, or the color isn’t the same as the real thing, it’s a good sign that the item is a fake.

It’s also a good idea to double check the bag’s measurements. Most designer bags have a set standard, so if the piece you’re seeing appears a little bigger or smaller than hinted on the website, it could be a sign that it’s not genuine. Pay attention to the item’s description, too. It should match the product’s pictures.

Finally, take your time when making a purchase. If any of the above red flags pop up, it’s better to stay away from the listing. The idea is to purchase something that is genuine and that you’d actually be proud to wear. If you can make sure you avoid a fake, you’re well on your way to making a wise purchase.

Don’t think that just because something looks similar, it’s actually the same. Little details can be the difference between a real designer item and a replica. Be sure to check the bag thoroughly for signs of cheap materials, such as poor lining or stitching, uneven textures, and zipper closures that aren’t fully functional. All of these are definite signs of a fake.

Research the price, too. An item that’s almost too good to be true will likely turn out to be a counterfeit. Real designer items usually have an MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price) that can easily be researched. Compare it to the price on Aliexpress and if it’s drastically lower, that’s a good sign that the item isn’t authentic.

Moreover, don’t forget to familiarize yourself with the type of fabric the bag is made out of. A lot of times, fake bags can be differentiated from real ones by the material they are made from. Faux leather bags, for instance, don’t look nearly as good as genuine leather.

These are just a few tips to help you find the genuine designer item you’re looking for when browsing Aliexpress. Take your time to assess the item you’re buying to make sure you get the real deal. Once you’ve got a feel for what to look out for, you should be well on your way to finding a designer bag to be proud of!

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