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Golden Bracelet Free Stock Photo - Public Domain PicturesMy friends have been complaining about the bags under their eyes for a while now, but the truth is that most of us don’t really know how to get rid of them. So, I thought I’d offer some advice on how to fake bags under your eyes.
First things first, you need to set the stage. Getting rid of bags under your eyes can be incredibly tricky — and not many people know the best way to do it. So, you have to make sure you have the right tools and the right mindset. It’s good to know what you’re up against before you start.
The next step is to prepare the area. You want to make sure the area around your eyes is clean, hydrated and not showing any redness. To do this, use a gentle eye cream and a damp wash cloth. Gently massage the eye cream in a circular motion around your eyes. This will help remove any dryness and help keep your skin hydrated.
But, the trickiest part actually comes next — disguising those pesky bags. To do this, you want to make sure you use a product that’s designed to brighten and lift the area. Try using a yellow-toned concealer, preferably one with a yellow undertone. This will help brighten the area and create a more natural look. You can also try using an illuminating cream or a brightening powder.
Then, you want to make sure you apply your chosen product correctly. Make sure you take your time and blend it in well, paying close attention to the area around your eyes. Try avoiding areas where your normal foundation would be and focus mainly on the darkest areas. This way, it will look like you’ve done a better job of covering up those pesky bags.
Lastly, make sure you set the area with a finishing powder. This will help blend everything together and ensure that it lasts all day. Once you’ve done this, you should be all set to look like you don’t even have bags under your eyes. It may seem like a lot of steps, but it’s totally worth it if you want to fake it.
Now, you may find that you’re all set to go without even having to try. But if you need a little extra help hiding those bags, you can always go for some temporary solutions. You can try using an eye sheet mask, which will help hydrate and brighten the area. You can also use an aloe vera eye cream or eye gel, these will help nourish the area and make it look brighter.
Finally, you can also try using a liquid illuminator or a facial mist. These will give your skin an extra boost of hydration and glow and can really help make the area look brighter and more awake.
Now that you know how to fake those annoying bags under your eyes, all that’s left is to give it a try. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try out different techniques and products to see what works best for you. And no matter what, remember to have fun with it and find the perfect bag-faking techniques for you.
After mastering the basics, it’s time to get creative! Why not try incorporating some shimmering or glossy products? A beautiful bronzer or highlighter is the perfect way to add some shine and life back to your under-eye area. This should also help to disguise existing bags, while boosting your overall complexion.
You can also change up your eye makeup routine and add a little extra colour to your eye area. For example, adding a sweep of eyeshadow or a dab of light pink to the inner corners can help brighten up the eyes and can draw away from any existing bags.
Another great way to fake bags under your eyes is to use an eyelash curler. Curling your lashes not only makes them look longer and fuller, it can also add an overall lift to your eye area that can help hide existing bags.
But don’t let it stop there! Why not add a baby eyeliner to the waterline? This can help to brighten the area, widen the eyes, and help reflect more light. You can also add white eyeshadow to the inside corner of your eyes or use a brow highlighter to help brighten up any dark shadows or bags.
Next, try wearing a brighter lipstick or a light tinted gloss. This can help to shift the focus away from your eye area and can give your face an uplifting effect. And finally, make sure to finish off your look with a light reflecting setting spray or high-shine highlighter.
There are so many different ways that you can fake bags under your eyes, so don’t be afraid to give them all a try! Who knows, you may even find a new makeup trick that works perfectly for you!

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