how to distinguish fake lacoste tote bag
I recently purchased a Lacoste tote bag and was shocked to learn that there are fakes floating around out there! It’s so crazy, what lengths some people will go to make a few extra bucks. If you’re considering trying to find a real Lacoste tote bag, I’ve come up with some tips on how to distinguish between a fake and the real deal.
First of all, a Lacoste tote bag should have its own unique logo. The logo should be a unique design with the word “Lacoste” printed right in the center. It should also be in the same font and color as the authentic replica bags. If the design looks off or doesn’t match, then it’s a sure sign that it’s a fake.
Another way to tell is by looking at the material the bag is made out of. A real Lacoste tote bag should only be made out of quality materials. It should also have some kind of waterproofing or stain-resistant layer. Now some fakes may be made from decent fabric, but they just won’t be as good as the original.
Carrying out a test is a great way to identify a fake. Whether you want to test for authenticity or for waterproofing, a small test will do the trick. A real Lacoste tote bag should pass this test, while a fake won’t hold up as well.
Also, check the bag’s zippers. Now, the original zipper should feel smooth and make no noise when you open and close the bag. A fake zipper may feel rough and make noise when opened and closed. So if you hear a funny sound, it may be a sign that it’s a fake.
You should also pay attention to the inside of the bag. A real Lacoste tote bag should have a few pockets with ample room to store items. But a fake might not be as organized and have many pockets.
Lastly, pay attention to the price. A real Lacoste tote bag won’t be very cheap. So if you find one that’s too good to be true, it’s most likely a fake.
I hope these tips help you pick out a real Lacoste tote bag. Nobody wants to be duped by some unscrupulous sellers, so being aware and doing some research can help you avoid getting scammed.
It’s not just about looking out for counterfeits but also choosing the right size and design. It’s hard to find one that fits just right and it’s easy to end up with something that isn’t exactly what you want. But the good news is that there are so many designs and sizes to choose from, so you’re sure to find something you like.
Another reason to go for an original Lacoste tote bag is durability. The materials and workmanship on an authentic bag last longer than a fake one. A genuine bag will be able to stand up to regular use and abuse without showing any signs of wear and tear, so it’s definitely worth the investment.
Plus, original Lacoste tote replica bags will be your own little statement of style. Nothing says status quite like a sleek and stylish Lacoste tote with subtle branding and fine details. Sure, people will know you bought a high-end item, but it won’t be so obvious that you’re trying too hard.
It’s also important to choose your store wise. If you’re buying in-store, you’ll be able to actually see and feel the bag before you buy it. But if you’re shopping online, make sure the store is reputable. Do some research and read up on customer reviews to make sure you’re targeting the right place.
The one thing to remember is that an original Lacoste tote bag will have a higher price tag than a fake. But if you’re willing to invest in quality, you’ll be able to enjoy your bag for longer and you’ll be able to flaunt it for years.
It’s always a good idea to pay attention to the small details when you shop for any expensive item. It’s best to do your research and find out as much as you can about the product before you buy it. This ensures that you don’t end up with a duplicate or counterfeit item.
Lastly, it pays to know how to spot fakes. A real Lacoste tote bag is worth the investment, so don’t get caught out by any cheap imitations. Be sure to check out your favorite store or take a look online to get the real deal – it’s worth it in the long run.
Sometimes the temptation to just buy a fake can be strong, but that’s a bad idea. Even though it may seem like a good idea to save money, it’s not worth it in the end. You’ll never get that genuine feeling that comes with owning a real Lacoste tote bag.