The thing that really pulled the look together for me was my shoes. I chose a pair of silver booties that had a subtle yet stylish design. They were comfortable and perfect for the look I was going for. With these pieces in place, all that was left was accessorizing.
I wanted to keep the emphasis on the bag, so I chose a few small pieces that complimented the design. I decided on a pair of silver earrings to tie in with the silver in the boots, and replica bags a delicate bracelet with pearlescent detailing. I also added a few simple pieces of silver jewelry and a designer watch.
To finish off the look, I added a simple smoky-eye, nude lip, and glossy finish. I think all of these elements complemented the bag perfectly and gave me the effortless and stylish look I was going for.
The best part is that I didn’t even have to break the bank to get this look. The bag was reasonably priced and the other pieces were all a mix of high-street and high-end items. I’ve found that mixing these together creates the perfect balance between affordability and fake bags style.
I always feel so satisfied when I create a look that’s both eye-catching and budget-friendly. I guess that’s the beauty of shopping around and putting my own personal spin on my outfits. What do you think of my look?