I have always been tempted by fake designer bags! It was hard not to be swayed by the lure of looking ‘cool’ without having to spend a fortune. I was always thinking ‘Oh, the price is so low and I get a designer-looking bag! Yay!’. But, in the back of my mind I always knew that the money I saved by buying a fake designer bag would just be wasted later when it would have to be replaced because the quality was not good enough.
One day, I was walking through London and I saw this amazing designer bag. It was fabulous and for a split second I was mesmerized by its beauty. I began to think about buy it but then I remembered what my mother had always taught me that it is better to save money and invest it than to buy something of poor quality which won’t last for long. I didn’t want to fall for the false promises that a fake bag might offer me.
I also remembered a saying ‘You get what you pay for’. Even though I knew buying a replica bags bag was way cheaper, I had heard of people’s bad experience with a fake bag; they bought it only to have it fall apart weeks later. They were out of pocket and would have been better off buying a real designer bag in the first place.
So, I made a conscious decision not to buy a fake bag; even if it looked like a designer bag it was not worth the risk and I didn’t want to spend my money on something that would only have a short life span. Instead, I ended up saving my money and investing it into a real designer bag.
I thought it would be difficult to do so but I was determined to save up and make this possible. It took me a few months to save up enough money but when I did, I felt so much lighter inside; I hadn’t been pulled away by the temptation to get something for less but something that was genuine and good quality.
The real designer bag gave me the confidence I was looking for and it felt amazing knowing I had been successful in resisting a fake one. I felt proud of myself for making a smart purchase even though it took me a little longer to do so.
To stay motivated and to help my friends who might be thinking of buying a fake designer bag I began to share my story with them and I encouraged them to save their money and buy a real designer bag that will last a lifetime.
I also started a blog to share my experience, teaching people the benefits of getting a real designer bag as opposed to a fake one. I shared tips on how to save money, what to look out for and why it is important to choose quality over quantity; it has been a great journey and I have been able to help many people make the right choice.
I have also discovered a great way to save money while buying a designer bag. Before and after the holidays, shops will offer huge discounts and specials. It is a great way to save money while getting a real designer bag at a better price. We just have to be vigilant and look out for opportunities!
Another way to stay away from temptation is to stop following certain social media accounts that post fake designer bags. I have learned to distinguish between a fake and an original from watching the reviews of genuine designers that post on YouTube. That has also really helped to identify the authenticity of a bag and helps me stay away from fake bags.
I also follow certain fashion bloggers who feature only genuine designer items. This has really helped in cutting down cost and increases the time in which I can save for a designer bag.
Besides saving up money, I also follow certain stores and websites to get the best deals. I follow their updates on a regular basis to know the best time to buy. Shopping around for the right item at the right time has also increased the chances of me finding a better deal.
Shopping for a designer bag can sometimes become a stressful process. That is why I prefer shopping online for my bag. I know it takes longer to get the designer bags to my home, but it eliminates the temptation for me to buy something fake.
I have also started to think of buying genuine, ‘pre-loved’ bags; this is also a way of me saving this amount of money I would have paid for a new designer bag. It’s a great way of finding something to fit your budget and still appearing to have a trendy and fashionable bag”.
I have started to use my own money for second-hand designer replica bags and also exchange my old bags for new ones. Since the second-hand market doesn’t take any fake bags, it keeps me away from temptation of buying a fake one.
Socializing and talking to my friends who were into designer bags has also helped me to understand the importance of buying real designer bags. Realizing that friends who were more aware of real designer bags look better and were in trend also helped me to realize that fake bags are not worth anything and it is better to invest your money in something that is worth it.
No matter where I am, I always practice my ‘no-fake bags policy’. It is not easy to let go of something I really wanted but I am happy that I can walk away with more money in the bank. In the end, it was worth it and it felt amazing to be able to make a smart decision.
I also now take time to learn about the new designer trends. I make it my duty to research what is in-trend and understand why it is a good idea to spend money on quality products that will last a very long time.
At the same time, I try to use labels such as customer reviews, wear-tests, and pictures taken under natural lighting to help me identify which designer bags are authentic. This is really important because it allows me to shop with confidence and keeps me away from those sellers that sell fake products.