Faux Fur: How I Learned the Difference Between Real and Fake

My love affair with faux fur started early on in my life.​ As a kid, replica bags I was always drawn to the colorful and vibrant feel of the fabric.​ I had no idea that faux fur was actually fake bags until I was in my teens.​ It’s was a rude awakening when I learned that the fabric I’d grown so fond of was not the real thing!

Free photo close up  knitted bag still lifeAt first, I was a bit embarrassed to have had such false idea of what faux fur was.​ After some time though, I realized that this experience had made me more aware of the differences between real and fake fur.​ After all, I’d never known that these garments weren’t the real deal until I knew the difference.​

So, what is the main difference between real and fake fur? The main difference is in the way it’s made.​ Real fur is made from natural fur fibers from an animal, such as mink or fox.​ Whereas faux fur consists of synthetic fibers that resemble animal fur.​

Once I’d learned the difference between real and fake bags fur, I became much more discerning when it came to purchasing faux fur goods.​ I began to take into consideration the quality of the product as well as its cost and fake bags if it would be an environmentally friendly purchase.​

This newfound knowledge also made me think twice about gifting or wearing faux fur throughout the winter months.​ I’d considered it a stylish and fashionable choice, yet ultimately opted for items that were made with respect for the environment, critters, and pocketbooks.​

We always find ourselves wearing fashion trends but it’s important that we always take the time and learn more about the process and ethical standards behind the choices we make.​ Not only does this provide us with an opportunity to better understand fashion pieces but also to create more responsible shopping choices.​

I’d heard stories of those who had been fooled by non-real fur pieces and were left feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed about their choice.​ Now I understand why it’s important to not be fooled by false marketing messages.​ How the fabric looks telling of its origin is not.​ Taking the time to research or ask sellers for details of the piece ensures that you invest in only the best quality without being fooled or compromising ethical values.​

When it comes to securing warm and fashionable winter pieces, faux fur has become a popular option to consider.​ Additionally, replica bags it’s important to understand the differences, weigh the pros and cons, and make sure that what it is bought is of the highest quality.​ Fortunately, technology today provides us with the tools necessary to learn a bit more about anything, which makes making responsible purchases that much easier.​

When looking for faux fur clothing, it’s not just the shape and texture of the fabric, but also the quality of the fur to consider.​ I recommend looking for garments that have a soft and silky feel in comparison to a heavy and coarse feel.​

I’m now much wiser when it comes to faux fur purchases.​ I make sure to keep an eye out for labels and tags that state when it’s made from synthetic fibers versus natural fibers.​ I also pay attention to the manufacturer of the material as well, as some companies are more ethical than others.​

I even make sure to ask questions about sustainability and the ethical sourcing of the materials used during production, to ensure that no animals have been harmed in the process.​ Being informed and making knowledgeable decisions when shopping for faux fur goods can help you avoid having to learn the difference the hard way.​