fake branded bags in bangkok
As I’m sure you know, Bangkok is a popular tourist destination – and the city has a reputation for selling fake branded bags at a fraction of the original price.
For starters, they manage to get their hands on these fake branded bags through clever back channels. Basically, they get a hold of the original parts and craft it into something that almost resembles the real thing. As for the cost, it’s surprisingly low. After all, they don’t have to pay for the actual branding, so they can keep the costs down. In fact, it’s kind of unbelievable how cheap they can sell their bags.
But it isn’t just cheap, it’s also easy to get hold of fake bags branded bags in Bangkok. All you have to do is go out to the street vendors, chat and bargain with their salespeople and you’ll find a wide range of bags that could quite easily pass for the real thing. This whole process is incredibly fascinating, and I have to wonder why no other major cities are able to do this.
And then there’s this sense of fun and excitement that comes from bargaining and haggling in the streets. Sure, it’s kind of dangerous, but there’s a thrill to it. The vendors are always friendly and you really get the feeling that you’re getting a good deal. And it’s not like you’re getting an empty bag or something; they usually have quality and style going for them.
So there you have it – fake branded bags in Bangkok. Super cheap, super easy to get, super exciting to bargain for. I have to admit, I’m totally hooked. And I can tell you from experience, the fake bags there are so good that even the people who make the real ones are fooled!