It’s hard to believe that something so seemingly attractive as a fake bag could be so deceptive and damaging. But that’s the ugly truth behind the so called bargains these days. There’s a phrase that fits well here, that “If it’s too good to be true, then it usually is”. I’m sure many of us know someone who has taken the plunge and gone for the cheap, fake bag, convinced that it’s a good deal, offering only casual reminders that it “might be a knock off”. Yes, the deal might seem great at first, but it’s only when it’s too late that you discover the real truth.
When I was younger, I got suckered by a fake bag, and as you can imagine, it didn’t turn out very well. It felt like the real deal at first, nice fabric, nice stitching and very beautiful for the price. I couldn’t help but think I had gotten a great bargain! Unfortunately, it only took a few months before the handle started disintegrating and began looking rather worn out. In addition, the pocket that was so easily accessible at first, started malfunctioning after a few weeks and I had to abandon it. It really was a false economy.
Of course, the adverse affect of fake bags goes beyond the lack of durability and functionality. After all, when you purchase fake items, you are contributing to a much larger problem. Not only are you potentially duping yourself, you’re also helping a criminal industry. The profits from fake items are diverted towards criminal activities. In many cases, replica bags the profit generated by fake products goes towards funding of terrorist organizations. This is the ugly truth these days.
So what I’m trying to say is, although it might seem like a good deal to get a fake designer bag, the reality is far more complex than it appears. The ugly truth is this: fake designs actually make zero financial sense. Sounds kind of obvious right? But it’s true. So when you next hear that a friend got a great deal on a fake designer bag, it’s worth examining the real cost of such an item.