I remember when I had my first fake bag. It was in the fashion store and it looked so attractive and real. I had to get it. I thought it would make me look rich, but it didn’t. Instead, I was embarrassed when someone asked me where I got it from because I knew it was a fake. From that moment on, I decided I will never again use fake designer items for the sake of looking rich or cool.
I mean, replica bags what’s the point, right? If you want to have something nice, then go out and buy the real deal. It might cost more, but it will be worth it in the end. And you know the real one will last longer. Plus, it won’t put you in an awkward position when someone questions you about it.
And let’s not forget the ethics involved either. Buying a fake designer bag not only supports scams, but like any other theft, compromises someone else’s hard work. Designers and craftsmen, put immense time and effort into creating a real one, so why should we deprive them of their hard work? Plus, investing in the real thing, might give you a sense of fulfillment that a fake bags product could never give.
But it doesn’t have to be a designer bag. Any form of imitation is wrong and should be frowned upon. What matter is to make sure it’s not fake, and that the bag is thoughtfully made. Why not get a well-crafted purse from a local artisan who put a huge amount of effort into creating it? Plus, it helps support local businesses.
This is why, when it comes to replica bags, I’m firmly against fake products. To me, having a real thing is the only way to go, replica bags and not investing in imitation items is the way to go. And whenever I’m asked about it, I give the same answer – “Fake bags? No thanks!”