Compare and Contrast: Original vs.​ Replica Bags

I’m sure most of us have considered buying a replica bag at some point – it usually seems like a cheaper and easier alternative to spending thousands of dollars on an original bag.​ After all, the replica bags ones look so nice and the price is so much lower that it’s almost tempting.​

But before you pull the trigger on a replica, let me share my experience with you.​ I bought a replica bag about three months ago, and I had high hopes for it.​ After all, it was a designer bag and I got it for almost a tenth of what the original would have cost me.​ I thought it was a great deal.​

But as soon as I opened the package, I had second thoughts.​ The material was flimsy, and it looked a bit too perfect – almost too polished.​ The stitches were perfect, but they were so light that it didn’t look like they had a real purpose.​ Even the signature logo on the bag seemed a little off.​

Next, I looked at the zippers and straps; they were definitely not up to the standard of an original designer bag.​ They were made of cheap plastic and felt very weak.​ I was certain that if I put anything in the bag, the straps would break.​

Finally, I took a look at the interior of the bag.​ The lining was made of some synthetic material, and it felt cheap.​ There were no pockets or compartments inside, so my items were just going to be jumbled around.​ Plus, the color of the lining was garish; it did not match the rest of the bag at all.​

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: never settle for a replica bag.​ Even though it seemed like a bargain, the quality difference between a replica and an original is stark.​ And if I hadn’t opened the package, I would have been stuck with a bad bargain.​

So if you’re thinking of buying a bag, put the money into an original.​ They might be expensive, but they are almost sure to last longer and be of higher quality.​ More importantly, original bags make great investments; they only get more valuable with age.​ And hey, if you take good care of it, it might even become a family heirloom.​

In addition to being worth more, original bags are often made with higher quality materials.​ They don’t only look better, but they also feel different in your hands.​ You can actually tell the difference between the sturdy leather of an original bag and the synthetic plastic of a replica.​

But don’t just take my word for it; compare the materials of the two fake bags side-by-side.​ That way, you’ll be able to make an educated decision about which one to buy.​

Original fake bags also come with better warranties and professional services.​ If something goes wrong with the bag, you can take it to the company or manufacturer’s store for repairs or even replacement.​ You won’t have that option with replica bags.​

Finally, most designer stores will also throw in exclusive gifts with the purchase of an original bag.​ These can range from fashion accessories to money-saving coupons and vouchers.​ You won’t get any of those things with a replica bag.​

So if you’re thinking of getting a new bag, do yourself a favor and get an original one.​ It may cost more upfront, but the quality, warranty and exclusive gifts will more than make up for it.​ You’ll be thankful you made the investment in the long run.​