replica bag dealers in mumbai It was recently that I had discovered there are numerous replica bag dealers in Mumbai. To be honest, at first, I was a bit taken aback and unsure if it was a good idea to buy from these places. But then I quickly remembered that everyone goes through an ethical […]
Category Archives: replica bags
replica bags
dior safari messenger bag fake bags I recently splurged on my first designer bag, the Dior Safari Messenger Bag! It was an exciting purchase, but I was absolutely dreading that it might be a fake! There were so many knock offs out there, so I had to do my research to make sure that I […]
supreme shoulder bag 18ss real or fake Wow! I can’t believe I found this amazing Supreme shoulder bag 18ss. It’s one of those rare pieces that everyone wants to get their hands on. And the fact that it’s a real Supreme shoulder bag makes it even better. I had heard about this shoulder bag from […]
how to spot a fake louis vuitton bag video I had no idea about how to spot a fake bags Louis Vuitton bag video until recently. That all changed when my friend hask me to authenticate a bag that he wanted to buy. I started doing some research on the internet and quickly realized that […]
best fake ysl bags It all started when I was looking for the best fake bags YSL bags on the market. My best friend had been eyeing off a YSL bag for months, and I wanted to surprise her with a high-quality fake. So, I set off on a mission to find the perfect faux […]
fake louie viton bag It started off as any regular Saturday morning; I decided to head to the market downtown to see what kind of treasures I could find. My first stop was the local Louis Vuitton boutique in the center of town. As soon as I stepped through the door, I saw two gorgeous […]
fake louis vuitton cosmetic bag My friend, have you ever heard of a fake Louis Vuitton cosmetic bag? They’re all over the internet and the fake ones are a far cry from the top notch quality of items bearing the LV name. When I first heard of them, I was interested and of course, a […]
fake hermes bag ebay My friend, have you ever heard of fake Hermes bag online? Well, you’re not alone; I found out about it recently too! It’s like a nightmare scenario: searching online for some designer deal, and then ending up with a knockoff instead! To make matters worse, many of the items being hawked […]
supreme bag fw18 fake My friend, what have I got to tell you! A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon this incredible bag from Supreme. It was the FW18 Fake and I was stunned. The first thing that attracted me was the bright green and red colour. It’s like a flag – signifying some kind […]
i hate fake designer bags I can’t stand fake designer bags. Sure, they’re limited edition and look great, but I absolutely hate them. You could say that it’s like a personal vendetta against fakes designers. Seeing those “designer” bags in the hands of people I know, it makes me want to throw up. It’s so […]