how to spot a fake gucci bag with pictures “Hey friend, have you ever wondered how to spot a fake Gucci bag with pictures? Well, before I tell you how, let me be honest: It’s hard to tell the difference! The counterfeiters these days do an extremely convincing job. I’m often asked about this topic. […]
Category Archives: fake bags
fake bags
how to tell is a herschel bag is fake When you’re thinking of getting a new Herschel bag you want to make sure it’s not fake. Believe me, I’ve been there and there’s nothing worse than spending your hard earned money on something that turns out to be a fake. So I’m going to give […]
are bags from fake market real leather I remember visiting the fake market with my best friend a few weeks ago, and we were amazed at all the amazing bags that were on sale. I had read online that these fake markets were the only places for good quality, real leather bags, so I was […]
how to order replica bags from nancy Alice, you have to hear what I just discovered! I’ve been searching for the perfect handbag since I saw that stunning one on a blog and I can’t believe that I’ve actually been able to track it down. I’m talking about getting a replica bag from Nancy! I […]
how to spot fake supreme shoulder bag ss18 My friend! Have you ever heard of Supreme? I’m sure you have. It’s a pretty popular brand of fashion these days. But there are some not so nice scammers out there trying to fool consumers into buying fake Supreme shoulder bags. That’s why I want to share […]