how to find fake designer bags on aliexpress I was recently shopping around for what was supposed to be a designer leather handbag from Aliexpress, where you can get pretty much anything for an affordable price. The problem is, how do I tell if the bag is actually authentic or a cheap, fake bags knockoff? […]
Category Archives: fake bags
how to spot a fake a hadaki bag When it comes to shopping for bags, there’s nothing quite as desirable as a Hadaki bag. Not only are they eye catching and fashionable, but they’re also highly durable. With all that considered, it’s no wonder why fakes often masquerade around – so how can you spot […]
where to buy fake bags in florence Ah, Florence, the beautiful century-old city renowned for its grand architecture and art galleries! It’s no surprise to me that when one comes to Florence, the first thing they want to do is find some beautiful and fashionable souvenirs. Though arguably a bit unscrupulous, one of the best […]
how to tell a fake bottega veneta bag zipper pull As a long time fan of Bottega Veneta, I know all too well the perils of buying counterfeit replica bags. It’s heartbreaking to think your bag is a fake only after you spent hundreds of dollars on it. But don’t lose hope just yet! Here […]
are there fake tory burch fleming bags My friend, do you know about the Tory Burch Fleming Bags? Ever since their debut, everyone has been wanting to get their hands on them. I mean, look at them! The sleek black, brown, and navy colors all carry an aura of chic elegance that speaks for itself. […]
how to spot fake ysl cabas bag Hey there, I always tell people that when it comes to buying luxury goods online, it’s always best to be extra careful. You could easily spot a fake YSL Cabas bag if you know what to look out for. It all starts with the YSL logo – if […]
how to fake balenciaga bag Hey, I recently acquired a Balenciaga bag and I’m loving it! I always thought I’d have to sell my kidney to get one, but turns out I can just fake it. Here’s how to do it: 1. First, you’ll want to get familiar with the designs and branding of the […]
how to spot fake prada gaufre bag Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to learn how to spot a fake Prada gaufre bag. All of my friends and me love designer replica bags, and we all strive to get our hands on the hottest and trendiest pieces. We are always talking about replica […]
how to take care of fake leather replica bags Hi friend, fake bags did you know that taking care of your fake leather bag is super important? I know, I never used to think too much about it either, but now that I have a few, I have to be extra careful about how I […]
how to spot a fake kurt geiger bag Shopping for a designer item can be a little tricky. Not always are we aware of how to check for authenticity. I once purchased a Kurt Geiger bag that didn’t quite hit the mark; turns out it was a fake! Thankfully, I learned my lesson the hard […]