fake bags prada computer bag I recently got my hands on a fake Prada computer bag and let me tell you, it is the business! It’s got a faux leather exterior and a buckled strap, which keeps it secure. It also has a luxurious interior with plenty of space to put my laptop and other […]
Category Archives: fake bags
louis vuitton bag original vs fake It all began when I decided to treat myself to a Louis Vuitton shoulder bag. I’d been saving my pennies for a while, and when I finally had enough, I decided it was time for a splurge. A bag like this doesn’t come cheap, so naturally I wanted to […]
original vs fake lv bag My friend, I wanted to share with you my thoughts on the big debate on original vs fake LV replica bags. As someone who loves designer items, the topic is one very close to my heart. For me, it goes without saying that I believe original LV bags are the […]
My best friend recently asked me why louis vuitton sells fake bags. It seems like people are buying the counterfeit handbags thinking they are getting the real deal when, in fact, they’re not. I couldn’t give her an answer at first; I didn’t even know why people were buying fake bags. That’s when I did […]
images of fake celine bags I’ve always had a thing for designer bags, so when I came across photos of fake Celine bags online, I just had to investigate. I’d heard a rumor that people were flooding the market with replicas of the real thing, but I wanted to see them for myself. When I […]
fake louis bag from china Hoping I could score me a designer bag without having to shell out thousands of dollars, I went online looking for a good deal. Little did I know, I had just ventured into the world of fake Louis bags from China. After scouring the web, I zeroed in on a […]
how to spot a fake bvlgari bag Spotting a fake bags Bvlgari bag can be a daunting task, even for an experienced eye. However, with a little bit of know-how and patience, it’s easy to determine whether a bag is the real deal or not. Here are some tips on how to spot a fake […]
When it comes to distinguishing between a real designer bag and a fake bags one, it’s like telling the difference between the devil and the deep blue sea. It’s tricky, but it’s not impossible! I’ve been an avid admirer of designer bags for many years now, so I’ve learned a few tricks on how to […]
how to spot fake burberry bowling bag A lot of people are being duped into buying a fake Burberry bowling bag. It’s a travesty, really, because the brand-name designer bags are expensive, and they should be the real deal! But how do you spot a fake? Well, fortunately, there are some specific things to look […]
how to spot fake anello bags So, you want to know how to spot fake Anello bags? You must know that there are a few signs of authenticity that you can look for when shopping for one of these bags. First, Anello replica bags are usually made of a very smooth and glossy material. It […]