b and b replica bags of bag end
Well, I recently went out to a B&B place that made my jaw drop to the floor. It was a replica bags of Bag End from Lord of the Rings! I couldn’t believe that somebody would go to all that trouble to make something so accurate and in such a short amount of time.
It was incredible! The walls, the furniture, the windows and everything else were just like the movie. But to top it off, the level of detail was simply astounding. Every single detail was perfectly recreated down to the last minute detail. It was like stepping into an alternate world and it made me feel like I was a part of the story.
The owners of the B&B had gone to great lengths to make sure that the place had an authentic feel to it. They had scoured the land looking for materials to replicate the scenes from the movie, employing local craftsmen and artisans to do the detail work. Even the flooring was hand-cut to the exact specification of the sets from the movie.
When I sat in the garden, surveying all the detail work that had gone into the construction, I had the distinct feeling that I was in The Shire. In the evening, when the bedtime lights lit up the exterior, I felt like I was having dinner with Frodo and his fellowship.
The facilities of the B&B were beyond anything I had ever seen. They had thought of every detail and comfort. There were plenty of nice, comfortable reading nooks tucked away all over the place. We spent hours curled up with our books and mugs of steaming coffee.
The atmosphere in the B&B was always warm, inviting and relaxed. Everything was always in check and guests were treated with a unique brand of hospitality, unlike anything else I had ever encountered. It was like staying at a home away from home in the most idyllic of settings.
Overall, this B&B was a grand experience! If you find yourself in the area, I highly recommend a visit. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.