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Avoiding the Costly Mistake of Buying a Fake Bag

Free photo green knitted bag still lifeMy friend, have you ever come across a counterfeit product that looks exactly like the real thing? That happened to me recently when I purchased a designer handbag, only to find out afterwards that it was a fake.​ I was so embarrassed and the experience has become a cautionary tale for how expensive and costly it can be to buy a fake bag.​

Let me tell you what happened.​ I must have been blindsided by the slick design of the bag.​ When I saw it online, I thought it was the perfect accessory for my wardrobe and I knew I had to get it.​ I’ve heard how fake bags may often look like the real deal; so of course I did my research.​ I read reviews, compared prices and made sure there wasn’t any counterfeiting.​ It sure seemed legit to me.​

Little did I know that I was fooled time and time again.​ When I received my item in the mail, replica bags I was so excited! It looked exactly how it was advertised.​ Or so I thought.​ I should have known the price was too good to be true.​

Later on, when I took the real designer bag out for a shopping spree, a friend of mine pulled me aside and let me in on a secret– My bag was a fake! I wanted to sink into the ground never to be heard from again!

It turns out that this type of thing can happen a lot more often than people think.​ I mean, people have become experts in fabricating the real thing, so it can be hard to tell the difference.​ As a result, people will accidentally buy a fake bags bag and they’d never know it until they take it out and start using it.​ And that’s when the truth is both embarrassing and expensive.​

My advice to you so you never have to experience the same costly mistake as I did? Do your research, pay attention to the details, be critical of the price and always double check with an expert.​

Think twice about where you’re shopping.​ You could save yourself hundreds of dollars.​ Always check the credentials of the sellers.​ If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.​ Avoid any sales that claim the item is real but there is no Authenticity Certificate.​ A real-deal designer item will always come with an Authenticity Certificate, a warranty, and even a detailed history.​

Shop from well-known vendors at department stores.​ They have their own in-house designers, they never sell counterfeit bag and it’s easy to ask for the documentation that proves the item is authentic.​

For an extra layer of security, seek out third-party authentication services such as Entrupy, The RealReal, and Poshmark.​ These services are not associated with the seller, but they still guarantee authenticity.​

The bottom line is that purchasing a fake bag is not only embarrassing, but costly.​ With a little bit of research, you can avoid this mistake.​

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