authentic kipling bag vs fake
I always thought it was so cool to have an authentic Kipling bag. That’s why I was really excited to finally get one. But when I got it, I was a little hesitant. What if it wasn’t real? Would I be embarrassing myself walking around with a fake bags? Well, I decided to educate myself on the differences between an authentic and a fake bag.
The first differences that stood out to me were the materials. Authentic Kipling bags are usually made with 500-denier nylon, meaning, they’re more sturdy and weatherproof. Fakes, on the other hand, are typically made with lower quality materials, like polyester with a canvas look and feel. These knock-offs are also usually just a bit more stiff, which isn’t something you’d find in a real Kipling bag.
The next difference I noticed was the stitching. On a authentic bag, the stitches should be small and precise. A fake bag may have misaligned or larger stitches that usually make distinguishing a fake easier. Authentic bags also have covered piping, which are small lines of fabric right next to the zipper.
Another way to tell an authentic bag from a fake one is to look at the actual logo. All real bags should have the Kipling logo, which is usually a stylized monkey. A fake bag may also have the logo, but it’s usually larger or in different colors.
Lastly, the price is always an easy giveaway. Authentic Kipling bags range anywhere from $50-$500, depending on the style. Fakes tend to range anywhere from $20-$50 dollars. So, if you’re paying too little, it’s probably not the real thing.