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authentic kipling bag vs fake

I always thought it was so cool to have an authentic Kipling bag. That’s why I was really excited to finally get one. But when I got it, I was a little hesitant. What if it wasn’t real? Would I be embarrassing myself walking around with a fake bags? Well, I decided to educate myself on the differences between an authentic and a fake bag.

The first differences that stood out to me were the materials. Authentic Kipling bags are usually made with 500-denier nylon, meaning, they’re more sturdy and weatherproof. Fakes, on the other hand, are typically made with lower quality materials, like polyester with a canvas look and feel. These knock-offs are also usually just a bit more stiff, which isn’t something you’d find in a real Kipling bag.

The next difference I noticed was the stitching. On a authentic bag, the stitches should be small and precise. A fake bag may have misaligned or larger stitches that usually make distinguishing a fake easier. Authentic bags also have covered piping, which are small lines of fabric right next to the zipper.

The zippers on real Kipling replica bags are also really different from knock-offs. The metal zipper pull on the authentic bags should be engraved with the Kipling logo. On some knock-offs, you may find they are made with either a plastic, a lower quality metal, or even just a piece of string.

Another way to tell an authentic bag from a fake one is to look at the actual logo. All real bags should have the Kipling logo, which is usually a stylized monkey. A fake bag may also have the logo, but it’s usually larger or in different colors.

Lastly, the price is always an easy giveaway. Authentic Kipling bags range anywhere from $50-$500, depending on the style. Fakes tend to range anywhere from $20-$50 dollars. So, if you’re paying too little, it’s probably not the real thing.

Now that I know the differences between a real and fake Kipling bag, it makes me feel more confident and secure knowing that I’m always carrying with me, an authentic bag and not a knock-off. So, if you’re ever in doubt about the authenticity of a bag, always make sure to cross-check these differences!

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