When it comes to fashion I have an admitted obsession. My friend once said I have a certain weakness for designer fake bags, particularly Alexander Wang! And recently, I heard that replicas of iconic Alexander Wang bags are out and available in the Philippines. As a gal who manuals her finances and loves an affordable dupe, I’m in love!
Alexander Wang bags are a classic of style and a touch of old Hollywood glam. The iconic shape and clean lines of the bags have been featured in major replica bags designer campaigns. On the replica version, I spotted a couple updates and new features. For one, it looks like a nice thick handle and bigger base to fit your stuff inside. A lot of times I feel like I’m carrying weighted items and can’t fit everything I need, so that’s an exciting upgrade.
I’m still deciding if I’m going to opt for the faux version of it or not but I do know one thing; it’s only one-third of the cost of the original! In that sense, the price and quality ratio of the replica is downright perfect. So if you’re looking to get in the Wang club without breaking the bank, the Alexander Wang bag replica Philippines is the one for you!
When it comes to toting it about, I like the option of a small bag for a night out or a larger tote for running around during the day. The tote in particular, with its gold logo is a great accompaniment for a polished look. It’s also surprisingly comfortable and the straps won’t weigh your shoulders down.
And when it comes to style, I think this Alexander Wang replica chooses no favorites. Whether you’re feeling a day look or a night look, there’s something for everyone. That’s why I’m such a fan of this bag – it’s versatile, comfortable and still looks fantastic!
Another great feature about this bag is the way it fits comfortably on your arms. The handle has a nice padded feel, so your knuckles won’t be knocking against anybody’s door. Plus, the bag looks good with almost any outfit. Its muted color palette works with classic black, tan, or even light floral sundresses.
When I’m out, I want a bag that I can use for any occasion, that looks good with just about anything I wear. This replica Alexander Wang bag serves that purpose perfectly. It’s a great size, fits comfortably on my arm, and I barely even remember that I’m holding it.
More and more I’m seeing people wearing the Alexander Wang bag replica and it’s no surprise why. It looks good dressed up or dressed casually and best of all it’s easy on the pocket. Do you have one? Have you seen one in person or have you only seen replica images? I’d love to hear your opinion about it.