It’s tough to be a real shopper in today’s world. Everywhere you go, you hear stories of people who buy a designer bag only to find out it’s a fake! Not only are they out the money they paid, but they’ve been fooled into having something they thought was real. To make matters worse, many times they don’t even realize the bag is a fake until they’ve inspected it more closely.
So, how can the savvy shopper spot a fake designer bag? It’s not as hard as it may seem. With these easy tips, you’ll be able to tell the real from the fake and save yourself some money!
First, you want to look for the price. If a designer bag is being sold at a drastically reduced price, chances are it is not real. Designer bags usually sell for more, especially if they are still in style. It’s odd to see a high-end designer bag being sold for about the same price as a regular handbag.
Second, check the hardware. Designer bags will have very high-quality hardware with perfect finishes and often have the designer’s logo on them. Cheap knockoffs tend to have subpar hardware that may have glue, dirt, or rust on them.
Third, pay attention to the zipper and leather. Designer bags use top-notch leathers and zippers. Luxury bags also have a certain amount of heft that the knockoffs do not have, so pick up your bag and feel the weight. Also, real designer bags use a high-quality leather that feels nice to the touch and has a slight sheen to it.
Fourth, the lining should be just as nice as the outside. The lining should be well done with no loose threads or cheap fabrics. Designer bags usually have a nice interior material that is soft and vibrant in color. Fake replica bags often have flawed interior materials like fabric with too much stiffness and texture.
Finally, read the label. Designer bags will have a label that says the designer’s name, the name of the bag, and the country where it was made. If the label offers no information, then you most likely are looking at a fake bag.
That’s it! If you follow these simple tips, you should be able to spot a fake designer bag from a mile away. Once you grasp this skill, you’ll be able to wield your powers as a real shopper and not be fooled by low-grade, poor quality knockoffs. You’ll save yourself money and have a piece of luxurious arm candy that will last you a lifetime!
Next, let’s take a look at the branding. It’s important to pay attention to the branding. A real designer item will have well-placed branding throughout the bag. The logo should be displayed prominently and should have a meticulous level of detail that is true to the designer. Fake designers often have a logo that looks sloppy and generic.
Then, look at the back of the bag. Designer items have perfectly placed seams, stitching and patches that are even and carefully done. Fakes usually have crooked seams with fraying and loose threads. In addition, real designer bags have leather patches that are designed with intricacy and precision that will never be present in fake bags.
Next, authentic designer bags come with papers, tags, and dust bags. Any high-end designer bag will always have papers, tags, and a dust bag of some kind. On the other hand, fake bags often don’t come with any of these items.
Furthermore, genuine designer bags are constructed with excellent craftsmanship. The materials used to make the bag is of superior quality and will be durable and long-lasting. The replica bags will also have impeccable detailing with no flaws or defects.
Finally, let’s talk about the manufacturing process. Designer bags are made with the utmost care and attention. Every stitch and seam is done with precision and the materials used are carefully inspected before being used. Fake bags on the other hand, are mass-produced with a much shoddier build and no attention to detail.
Now that you know some tips on how to spot a fake designer bag, you can go out into the world with confidence and shop for the real deal! No more worrying about getting fooled by fake bags. Take your time and carefully inspect your bag and you will never fall prey to a counterfeit item.