Why I stopped buying Fake Bags

When I first started working as a professional, I made the mistake of buying fake bags in an effort to look expensive.​ For me, these bags became a way to display my success and wealth among friends and colleagues.​ I quickly found out that proudly wearing these knockoffs often left me feeling embarrassed and not true to myself.​

I remember the first time I noticed that wearing knockoffs made me feel uncomfortable.​ I was at a dinner with some of my colleagues and I had splurged on a beautiful fake designer bag that I had seen in the store.​ Everyone immediately noticed it and started making comments, saying “oh wow, it looks so expensive”.​ However, I knew immediately that it wasn’t real and this made me feel incredibly awkward.​

After that experience, I decided I was done buying fake bags.​ I realized that I wanted to be true to myself and not go outside of my financial means in order to look wealthy.​ It wasn’t worth it to me to be embarrassed or made to feel inadequate in social situations.​ So, I decided to stop buying fake bags and focus on building wealth the right way.​

At first, it was hard to make the transition because it felt like I was denying myself something that I thought I should have.​ I had placed so much value on having a designer label and it was difficult to let that go.​ However, once I realized that it was not bringing me true satisfaction or contentment, I decided to commit to my decision and look for other ways to feel worthy.​

Now, instead of buying fake bags, I invest in things that will help me build real wealth.​ I save money on clothing, cooking, and travel expenses in order to put the extra cash into investments.​ I also focus on creating experiences for myself that have nothing to do with material objects.​ I value experiences over items and often opt for experiences that have lasting memories.​

I also strive to cultivate relationships with others who value the same things as I do.​ This helps me stay away from the pressure to buy things that I cannot afford and focus on creating a more sustainable lifestyle.​ I know that living a life of contentment does not always come with spending money on labels.​

In my opinion, it is worth it to forgo buying fake bags and focus on financial stability.​ There is satisfaction to be found in taking the longer, sustainable route instead of being swayed into slow consumption.​ There is a sense of freedom in knowing you are achieving your goals and not throwing your hard earned money away.​

But this doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate high-end materials or designs.​ I enjoy admiring designer replica bags when I get a chance to see them in person.​ I find it satisfying when I know that the purchase I’m about to make is real and not a knockoff.​ There is a certain peace of mind that comes with knowing you are investing in genuine, quality items.​

I challenge myself to think before I buy.​ Before making any purchase, I ask myself “is this a need or a want?”, “how often will I use this item?”, and “how much does this item truly cost in terms of both money and time?”.​ These questions help me be mindful of my financial decisions and make sure that I’m investing in things that will help me in the long run.​

Free photo close up on kitted bag still lifeMaking the switch from fake bags to quality brands has been a great lesson in financial self-care for me.​ I now focus on saving and investing my money in things that I truly appreciate and can enjoy for years.​ This means that, rather than spending my resources on knockoffs, I can now more easily afford real designer bags.​ And that to me is true success.​