Okay, so I’m obsessed with handbags. It’s not really a secret. I would never be caught dead without one. So I thought it would be fun to list my 5 favorite replica bags for 2019.
My first pick is the iconic Gucci Marmont. It’s just so timeless and elegant. I mean, it’s practically a staple at this point. I love the quilted leather and gold hardware. And of course, the signature double “G” logo. It screams high fashion and class.
Next up is the Prada Cahier. With its structured top handle and convenient detachable shoulder strap, this bag is both functional and stylish. It’s a great go-to for everyday wear. Plus, how can you not love the classic silver-toned hardware and retro appeal?
My third pick is the Louis Vuitton Speedy. This classic gem has been around for years and never goes out of style. The simple hardware and canvas exterior never go out of fashion. Not to mention, the Speedy is an incredibly secure and roomy bag.
Fourth on my list is the Chanel Boy Bag. This classic beauty features the iconic “CC” clasp and comes in a variety of colors and sizes. It’s perfect for a night out or just adding a touch of sophistication to your everyday look.
Finally, at number five, comes the Givenchy Antigona. This statement-making bag is perfect for those looking for a little drama. The sharp lines and accessible zip closure, give it a modern classic feel. Plus, my favorite part is the dual handles, making it comfortable and roomy enough to be an every day wardrobe staple.
Overall, these five replica bags fake bags are my top choices for 2019. They all are timeless and luxurious in their own ways and never seem to go out of style. They are perfect pieces to add to any wardrobe. I can’t wait to add my own spin to each of these lovely pieces.